projects, creative and curatorial work

  • Participant / Collaborator. “Letter to a Feminist Scientist,” a part of the subRosa cyberfeminist collective’s exhibition “Feminist Matter(s):Propositions and Undoings.” Regina Miller Gallery, Carnegie Mellon University, The Pittsburgh Biennial, 16 September - 9 December 2011.

  • Curator of “Women on Paper,” works from the permanent collection of The Palmer Museum of Art, Penn State University, 7-26 October 2011.

  • Participant of “How We Go On From Now," a part of the year-long art project by Faith Wilding and Kate Davis. Glasgow Contemporary Art Festival, Center for Contemporary Art, Glasgow, UK. September 2009-May 2010.

  • Member of the Curatorial Team for the ISEA 2008 Exhibition: InterSociety for Electronic Art. National Museum of Singapore, Singapore, July-August 2008.

  • A collaborator / participant. "Love is Strong as Death: A Convivial Feast," art performance organized by SubRosa cyberfeminist art collective, a part of the exhibition "In Transit: From Object to Site." David Wilton Bell Gallery, The List Art Center, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, September 2005 -October 2006.

  • Member of the Curatorial Team. "Presence/Absence," an interactive art exhibition, part of Association of Computer Machinery, Multimedia Conference 2005, National University of Singapore, November 2005.

  • Co-Curator. "Interfaces: A Digital Art Exhibition", GRAPHITE2004 (SIGGRAPH Singapore chapter), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 2004.

  • "Friendship / Love," a net-art work in collaboration with Faith Wilding. Kundthaus Dresden Stadtische Galerie fur Gegenwartskunst, Dresden, Germany, and on-line, April 2003 - Present.
    Click here to access the website.

  • "Virtual Chora: Welcome," a net-art work. Singapore Art Museum, Singapore, December 2001 - February 2002. This net-art work was a part of NOKIA Singapore Art Biennale 2001 special exhibition "Cyberarts: Intersections of Art and Technology." It was included in the catalogue "Histories, Identities, Technologies, Spaces," Singapore: Singapore Art Museum, 2001, p. 140.
    Click here to access the website.

  • Co-Curator. "The Elementary Garden," exhibition of Marie-France Dumolie, the Substation Gallery, Singapore, April 2001.

  • Curator. “Shift, Move, Change," exhibition of Saraswati Gramich, at Alliance Francaise de Singapour, March 2001.

  • Co-curator and contributor to “IMMersiveArts," a joint cyberart web-project between IMMersiveArts and Lawyers’ Association of Singapore, September 2000.

  • Curator. “Cyberarts in Singapore," exhibition of seven contemporary artists, held in Suntec City, with technical and financial support of COMPAQ, Singapore, Summer 2000.

  • "HOME," interactive web-based work, part of “IMMersive Arts” on-line exhibition, Singapore, September 2000.

  • Curator. “A Self of One’s Own: Feminist Art Workshop” Exhibition, Lasalle College of the Arts, 22-29 September 1999.



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