Kurz, Mordecai
Krugman, Paul R. 1
Jones, Ronald W. 2

Yun, Kwan Koo

Ph.D. 1974  Stanford
Location (2024): SUNY Albany
41 listed
Acharyya, Rajat
Amano, Akihiro
Baier, Scott L.
Baldwin, Richard E.
Bond, Eric W.
Burgess, David F.
Chang, Winston W.
Collins, Susan M.
Crucini, Mario
Deardorff, Alan V.
Dei, Fumio
Ethier, Wilfred J.
Falvey, Rodney
Feenstra, Robert C.
Flam, Harry
Hanson, Gordon H.
Head, C. Keith
Hoon, Hian Teck
Kamath, Shyam J.
Klimenko, Mikhail M.
Konishi, Hideo
Kowalczyk, Carsten
Marjit, Sugata
Messerlin, Patrick A.
Minabe, Nobuo
Oda, Masao
Ohyama, Michihiro
Ricci, Luca Antonio
Riker, David
Ripoll, Marla
Robinson, Sherman
Sanyal, Kalyan K.
Slaughter, Matthew J.
Spilimbergo, Antonio
Swenson, Deborah
Takayama, Akira
Taylor, M. Scott
Tomiura, Eiichi
Tornell, Aaron
Uekawa, Yasuo
Yomogida, Morihiro
None listed

Yun, Kwan Koo
Thesis: "On the Formation of Competitive Market Prices"
  1Krugman: "In trade, I consider Paul Krugman and Ronald Jones among my mentors although they are not responsible for me."
  2Jones: "In trade, I consider Paul Krugman and Ronald Jones among my mentors although they are not responsible for me."