Grubel, Herbert
Jones, Ronald W.
Easton, Steve
Chant, John

Kamath, Shyam J.

Ph.D. 1986  Simon Fraser
Location (2024): Cal State, Monterey
31 listed
Acharyya, Rajat
Amano, Akihiro
Baier, Scott L.
Bond, Eric W.
Burgess, David F.
Chang, Winston W.
Crucini, Mario
Deardorff, Alan V.
Dee, Philippa
Dei, Fumio
Ethier, Wilfred J.
Falvey, Rodney
Flam, Harry
Hoon, Hian Teck
Konishi, Hideo
Kowalczyk, Carsten
Marjit, Sugata
Messerlin, Patrick A.
Minabe, Nobuo
Oda, Masao
Ohyama, Michihiro
Pomfret, Richard
Ripoll, Marla
Robinson, Sherman
Rugman, Alan
Sanyal, Kalyan K.
Takayama, Akira
Taylor, M. Scott
Uekawa, Yasuo
Yomogida, Morihiro
Yun, Kwan Koo
None listed

Kamath, Shyam J.
Thesis: "The Political Economy of 'Suppressed Markets': Controls, Rent-Seeking and Interest-Group Behavior in the Indian Sugar and Cement Industries"