Welcome to the Climate Interactions group at the University of Michigan! Our research focuses on the interactions between atmospheric chemistry and climate at the biosphere-atmosphere interface. Take a look around to learn more about our research.
Dr. Steiner gives a talk on the group's research activities at the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.
Undergraduate Adam Davis presents his work on ozone-temperature relationships at the American Meteorological Society in Atlanta in the Student Poster session.
Dr. Steiner travels to Providence, RI and Brown University for an ESWN Leadership Board Meeting. Check the ESWN website for new resources soon: www.eswnonline.org
After Copenhagen, graduate student Ahmed heads off to San Francisco to present his work at the 2009 Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. Check out his poster on the seasonal cycles of land-atmosphere coupling in Session A33A: Downscaling of Weather and Climate Posters.
Graduate student Ahmed Tawfik travels to Copenhagen to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference as part of the University of Michigan delegation. Check out his blog posts here!
Download a copy of the Fall 2009 ESWNews, an annual summary of ESWN's activities edited by Dr. Steiner.
Dr. Steiner discusses the need for in-canopy modeling of biogenic VOC emissions and CABINEX modeling plans at the Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) meeting in Oslo, Norway.
Dr. Steiner participates in the National Phenological Assessment Workshop in Milwaukee, WI. Want to learn more about phenology?
Welcome to new Ph.D. student Alex Bryan! Alex recently completed a B.S. in Meteorology from Valparaiso University and just spent an exciting summer up at the University of Michigan Biological Station as an assistant field coordinator for the CABINEX project.
Buon viaggio, Ahmed! Ahmed Tawfik heads off to the ICTP in Trieste, Italy for eight weeks to work with Dr. Ashraf Zakey on the coupled chemistry-climate RegCM (RegCM-CHem).
View Sydney's presentation for the UM College of Engineering SURE (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience) program. Sydney will continue her work during her senior year in the AOSS program.
Dr. Steiner presents a summary of the group's research at the Undergraduate program for the American Chemical Society. At the colloquium, Dr. Susan Solomon gave an inspiring talk to chemistry undergraduates from across the nation.
Welcome back to undergraduate Jen DeHart! Jen participated in the Student Airborne Research Program and had a fantastic time learning about atmospheric instrumentation - and even got to fly on the DC-8!