Bug Slurry

Drummer of Bug Slurry

Former drummer and founding member of Taint Seep until their lead singer had a painful accident.

He is perhaps the whitebreadiest man in music in all of New Orleans. He favors skinny ties and highwater stovepipe trousers, wears a fedora and wire rim glasses and is trying to grow out a moustache, but only has achieved a pencil thin John Waters creeperstache. On stage he wears a very thick stick on fake Burt Reynolds moustache which has a tendency to fall off when he plays too hard.

Now sporting a bright green T-shirt that says CYBER AS FUCK!

Owner of a sweet pair of IR goggles that can also magnify up to x4, giving him a +10% to spot.

Netrunner Handle: Zero Cool

Now being trained in Netrunning by Sister Lexie.

Fears: His lead singer becoming physically incapacitated before a tour.
Goals: To play all the Rush drum solos better than Neal Peart. To master the martial art of stick kwan do, the drummer's art. To spin his sticks and twirl them more than any other drummer in history.