Task 2







Label Chemical Shift Integration J (Hz) Multiplicity Explanation
a 7.00 1H 7.8 d This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with H(b) to give a doublet.
b 7.14 1H 7.6, 7.6 dd This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with H(a) and H(c) to give a doublet of doublets.
c 7.40-7.27 1H - m This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with H(b) and H(d) to give a multiplet.
d 7.44 1H 7.3 d This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with H(c) to give a doublet.
e 3.77 3H - s This is a methoxy group methyl that has 3 equivalent H's and experiences no coupling.
f 2.57 1H 15.6, 5.5 dd This H is attached to a carbon and experiences strong coupling with H(g) and weaker coupling with H(m) resulting in a doublet of doublets.
h 2.88 1H - m This H has many couplings, a multiplet. It is attached to a carbon which is attached to a ketone. It couples with H(i), H(k), and "W" coupling with H(n).
i 2.99 1H 19.7 dd This H is near a ketone which de-shields the H slightly, and has strong diastereotopic coupling with H(h).
j 4.36 1H 10.5 d This H has coupling interactions with H(n) and is attached to a C-O carbon.
k 2.88 1H - m This H has many couplings, resutling in a multiplet. It is attached to a carbon which is attached to all carbons as well, so it has relatively lower chemical shift.
l 3.99 1H -
This H experiences no coupling and is attached to a C-O carbon, making it shift farther downfield.
m 4.54 1H - m This H is attached to a C-N carbon, making it shift relatively downfield. This H couples with H(k), H(g), and H(f).
p 6.77 1H - s This H is very downfield, and it is a bit broader at the top, indicating that it could be bound to the N.
n 4.13 1H 10.5, 3.2 dd This H has coupling interactions with H(j) and experiences "W" coupling with H(h). It is also attached to a C-O carbon.
g 2.46 1H 15.6, 6.4 dd This H is attached to a carbon and experiences strong coupling with H(f) and weaker coupling with H(m) resulting in a doublet of doublets.
r 7.40-7.27 2H - m This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with other aromatic H’s to give a multiplet.
s 7.40-7.27 2H - m  This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with other aromatic H’s to give a multiplet.
t 7.40-7.27 1H - m  This H is attached to an aromatic ring and also experiences coupling with other aromatic H’s to give a multiplet.
u 5.07 1H 12.4 d This H is attached to a carbon which is also attached to a benzene ring and an oxygen. It also shows a strong coupling interaction with H(v).
v 5.11 1H 12.4 d This H is attached to a carbon which is also attached to a benzene ring and an oxygen. It also shows a strong coupling interaction with H(u).


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