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Motor Behavior Goals and Objectives:
Infancy (first 4-24 months)
- Goal 1: To improve head control in multiple postures.
- Objective 1: My child will be able to consistently
demonstrate stable head control when held upright in my arms
when I move about the room.
- Objective 2: When lying on their stomach, my child will be
able to consistently lift their head off the floor and demonstrate
stable head control.
- Objective 3: When lying on their stomach, my child can
lift their head and chest off the floor while supporting their
weight on their arms.
- Goal 2: To demonstrate the ability to sit independently
and interact with the environment.
- Objective 1: When given support to my child's back, my
child will maintain a sitting posture for 60 seconds holding their
head in midline (head does not lean to one side but is straight).
- Objective 2: When placed in a sitting position my child
will sit without support for 60 seconds using their hands for
- Objective 3: My child will sit independently and be able
to reach a toy placed to their right and left side and maintain
an upright sitting position.
- Objective 4: From a lying position, my child will be able
to move into a seated position.
- Goal 3: To demonstrate forward locomotion.
- Objective 1: My child rolls from their back to their
stomach and from their stomach to their back.
- Objective 2: My child is able to crawl forward while
lying on their stomach (increase the distance over time).
- Objective 3: My child is able to move forward on hands
and knees (creeping).
- Objective 4: When my child is placed and supported in a
standing position they will support their own weight for more
than 30 seconds (increase time as child develops).
- Objective 5: My child is able to pull to a standing
- Objective 6: My child is able to cruise while holding
onto furniture.
- Objective 7: My child walks while holding onto an adult's
- Objective 8: My child is able to walk independently for
3 or more steps.
- Objective 9: My child walks and negotiates their
- Objective 10: My child walks up and down stairs while
holding onto rail and an adult's hand.
- Objective 11: My child walks fast without falling on
different surfaces.
- Objective 12: My child stops locomotion and sits down
when requested.
- Goal 4: To demonstrate the ability to reach, grasp and release
objects in the environment.
- Objective 1: My child freely moves the hands and arms in
daily activity.
- Objective 2: My child is able to swipe at stimulating
objects that are presented at chest level.
- Objective 3: My child is able to consistently reach and
make contact with stimulating objects positioned at chest level.
- Objective 4: When sitting on my lap at a table positioned
below chest level my child is able to reach and grasp hand-size
objects with either hand.
- Objective 5: When supported in a sitting posture with
a table positioned below chest level my child is able to reach
and grasp hand-size objects with the thumb and first two fingers.
- Objective 6: When positioned in a sitting posture, my
child is able to reach, secure, and place a piece of cereal in
their mouth.
- Objective 7: When in a seated posture, my child is able
to secure and throw objects.
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Next Motor Behavior Goals and Objectives
Center for Motor Behavior & Pediatric Disabilities
401 Washtenaw Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2214
(734)936-2607, Fax (734)936-1925