Research: Beyond Line-of-sight Acoustic Sensing
Sponsor: Toyota
Collaborator: Prof. Grosh
Acoustic diffraction allows sound to travel around opaque objects so it may allow beyond-line-of-sight detection and localization of remote sound sources. Using simulations and experiments, this project showed that it is possible to localize a sound source based on fully shadowed microphone array measurements. The generic geometry included a point source, a solid 90° wedge, and a receiving array that lies entirely in the acoustic shadow of the source as determined by the wedge. Localization via matched-field techniques was evaluated using a 16-element line array of microphones in three mutually orthogonal orientations. Interestingly, localization success was only possible when vertical-array measurements were combined with horizontal-array measurements.
Singh et al., JASA 131, 292-302 [2012]
Current Research Projects
1. Predictions of Acoustic Uncertainty
2. Blind Deconvolution in Reverberant Environments
3. Nonlinear Techniques for Remote Sensing
4. Acoustic Diagnostics for Reverberant Environments
Recent Research Projects
5. Acoustic Coherent Backscatter Enhancement
6. Simulations of Washing Machine Processes
7. Turbulent Boundary Layers At High Reynolds Number
8. Multi-dimensional Measurements of Velocity during Thermoplastic Injection Molding
9. Beyond Line-of-sight Acoustic Sensing
10. Measurements of Oil-film Thickness