Staging -- Reactor Sequencing Optimization Game
Concepts  Concentration as a function of conversion 
CSTR vs. PFR volume-conversion relationships 
Effect of changing order of reactor placement on final conversion.
Time 35 minutes ± 10 minutes
Reference Fogler: Chapter 2

This module presents the student with a set of five reactors (CSTRs and PFRs) and asks him/her to connect them in series. The goal is to maximize the product flowrate for a given reaction, while maintaining a minimum conversion of 75%. The student is provided with a graph of -FAo/rA vs X, and the reactors' volumes are specified. The student may arrange the reactors in any order, and he/she may also vary the inlet flowrate. Each arrangement of reactors may be tested using a simulator that provides instant feedback for any change in reactor order or inlet flowrate.

The student may at any time access a reference section that reviews the derivation of the design equations for PFRs and CSTRs, clarifying the change in conversion down a PFR, and the well-mixedness of the CSTR: 

The reactor optimization simulator can also be run independently of the scenario.  This allows the professor to present the student with a variety of open-ended problems to be investigated using the simulator.

Grade Base

The student�s score is based on the conversion achieved, as well as the total flow rate of material produced.


This module makes use of a scenario to increase the level of interest of the student.  In the scenario, the student must generate a sufficient amount of an antidote of high enough purity to help Mr. Hyde get back to his Dr. Jeckyll persona.


Instructions for installing and using the ICMs are available.

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