The Art of Social Criticism: Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun |
Bibliography "American Writers II: the 20th Century". C-SPAN. National Cable Satellite
A Raisin in the Sun. Dir. Daniel Petrie. Perf. Sidney Poitier, Claudia McNeil, Louis
Bernstein, Robin. "Inventing a Fishbowl: White Supremacy and the Critical Reception of
Brown, Lloyd W. "Lorraine Hansberry as Ironist: A Reappraisal of A Raisin in the
Domina, Lynn. Understanding A Raisin in the Sun: A Student Casebook to Issues,
Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun and The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window.
Wilkerson, Margaret B. "The Sighted Eyes and Feeling Heart of Lorraine Hansberry".