About the Authors

Professor Victor Katch has been active in the field of nutrition and exercise physiology for more than 34 years. He received undergraduate degrees in International Relations and Physical Education (Kinesiology) from California State University, Northridge (CSUN). He also studied at the prestigious University of Uppsala in Sweden, and completed his graduate degrees from The University of California, Berkeley. In 1972 Professor Katch joined the University of Michigan, where he continues to teach undergraduate and graduate courses. He was the University’s first women’s basketball coach (1973), and founder and former director of the University’s Weight Control Clinic, Applied Physiology and Body Composition Laboratories. In 1982, Professor Katch helped set-up and run the Exercise Physiology Laboratory in Pediatric Cardiology. He is the recipient of an outstanding teaching award and nominee for the University’s Distinguished Professor Award. He is also an elected Fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Professor Katch has published more than 130 peer reviewed research papers, received numerous research grants and contracts, co-authored 7 books, published more than 80 research abstracts and given over 125 invited lectures at national and international conferences.
Professor Frank Katch took early retirement from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (1977-2001) where he served as Professor and Department Head (1977-1990) and Graduate Program Director (1977-1986). His first teaching job after completing graduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley was at Queens College of the City University of New York (1970-1977). Dr. Katch is an elected Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed scientific and professional papers, and presented over 200 invited lectures at national and international conferences. His college texts co-authored with William McArdle and brother Victor include Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance. 5th ed., 2001, winner of the first prize in the field of medicine category from the British Medical Association, and Sports and Exercise Nutrition, 2nd ed., 2005. Dr. Katch has authored articles in popular magazines including Mademoiselle, Vogue, Harper’s, Woman's Day, Reader’s Digest, Weight Watcher's, Muscle and Fitness, Shape, Self, and American Health, and collaborated on 3 consumer books; Getting In Shape (Houghton Mifflin), Fitness Walking (Putnam), and The Fidget Factor (Andrews McMeel, 2000). Professor Katch currently resides in Santa Barbara, CA where he continues to write, develop continuing education courses, serve as a visiting International Research Scholar at Agder University College in Kristiansand, Norway, and as an instructor in UCLA’s Certificate Program in Fitness Instruction.

Drs. Katch and Katch have consulted with professional football teams (Cowboys, Jets, Dolphins, Saints, Redskins), professional baseball (Boston Red Sox), NBA, US Olympic Team, and many national and international corporations. They have served on the editorial boards of numerous scientific journals and as members of various scientific advisory boards. They also have created the Body Image Analysis System (BIAS) for individualized body composition assessment (www.bodyimagekit.com).

Drs. Katch and Katch along with their long-time colleague Dr. Bill McArdle are authors of three award winning texts in the field of exercise physiology and sports and exercise nutrition.

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