Fool!!!  You watch the effects she had on Merlin, and think you
are immune!!!  Now what, you think of her instead of who may be wishing
her and her family dead.  Maron and Brand aren't going to wait while you
dream of her in the tub!!  Blue.... I never thought...  NOT NOW!!!  You
have more important things to worry about.  How long until Abigail
realizes she is not Melanie??  How long until Sand realizes your intent?? 
Or Fiona??  She likes me... at least I hope so... it could be nerves from
the tournament...  NOT NOW!!!  Think with your brain, not your manhood. 
Are you as big a fool as Kaedric??  Think... tomorrow I may die... and she
will not know of my feelings... of my wish to marry...  FOOL!!!  She
doesn't want to marry you... and if you keep this up, she'll treat you
like Merlin.  Concentrate upon something...the tournament... Jousting... 
goaded by Fiona.  I am no coward, but fighting demons like the Jezetti
from Muad'Dib with a stick does not strike me as very wise...  Sky...  Not
Now...  I must not think of that...  I have more to worry about... she may
not wish to be with you again... it was not proper for her culture or
yours... how could something that pure and wonderful not be proper??? 
Stop.  We must prepare...  What happens now is in her hands... wish I
was...  NO!!  Stop that, must think of other things... meet her mother... 
NO!!  Talk to Archimedes??  No... if any, speak to Laughter or Fiona...
but no one else... until Corwin returns...  Oh shit, what if Corwin has
his memories...  I must hope not...  I think I love her...  THAT is your
Manhood speaking, not your heart...  You can't be...  You can't be... 
What if I am... you are not... you need her companionship, but it is not
love... you cannot love... you have your duty...  Look at her sleep... 
YES, I know she's beautiful...  but I must think of the day, not the

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