"Ghosts and Shadows" Character Diaries
If the game logs weren't enough for you, you can peruse the various
characters' interpretation of events in their diaries.
Table of contents
- Session 1
- Session 2
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Session 5
- Session 6
- Session 7
- Session 8
- Session 9
- Session 10
- Session 11
- Session 12
- Session 13
- Session 14
- Session 15
- Session 16
- Session 17
- Session 18
- Session 19
- Session 20
- Session 22
- Session 23
- Session 24
- Session 25
- Session 38 -
"I begin this journal in the hopes of making some sense..."
- Session 39 -
"Laughter lies once again in my arms..."
- Session 40 -
"Damn her. That stupid, stupid girl."
- Session 41 -
"Laughter is sleeping now, poor thing. She's exhausted."
- Session 42 -
"As poorly as the day started, I'm surprised it ended well."
- Session 43 -
"I guess Valium isn't as effective on Amberites as I hoped it would
- Session 44 -
"I always seemed to be able to find Laughter if I lost her."
- Session 45 -
"I received a Trump call while under water."
- Session 46 -
"Perhaps I shouldn't expect my life to settle down..."
- Session 47 -
"My job is full of surprises. Most of them aren't pleasant."
- Session 48 -
"The Ty Dahl ended up not being as complicated as I might have
- Session 49 -
"I slept for three straight days after Sandr's death."
- Session 50 -
"I gave up my stratagems some few hours before dawn..."
- Session 51 -
"I had not struck the first blow, but I was far from beaten."
- Session 52 -
"We talked of many things that night..."
- Session 53 -
"The Jewel continued to haunt me, and it hadn't changed its arrival
point, either."
- Session 54 -
"The next morning I Trumped Fiona..."
- Session 55 -
"Laughter said she would accept the blame for what she had
- Session 56 -
"Laughter and I spent a delicious night..."
- Session 57 -
"I returned to Laughter after I had emptied Foil of Fey."
- Session 58 -
"Based on outward appearances at breakfast the next morning..."
- Session 59 -
"Caitlin fainted in the middle of the dance."
- Session 60 -
"It all started when I Trumped Random."
- Session 61 -
"I stared at Vain and Laughter for a moment, while I collected my
- Session 62 -
"We finished the sweat lodge early in the afternoon..."
- Session 63 -
"I Trumped Random."
- Session 64 -
"Killing the wizards was too easy."
- Session 65 -
"I Trumped Random immediately. Nothing."
- Session 66 -
"As I stood at the center of the Pattern, gasping for breath..."
- Session 67 -
"By the time I got to my room..."
- Session 68 -
"I did as I had promised myself."
- Session 69 -
"I was standing in the tavern in the Strangeways..."
- Session 70 -
"I talked with a chancellor regarding Killian's punishment..."
- Session 71 -
"I spent the morning gathering recruits for Claudio's gauntlet."
- Session 72 -
"I had finally given the idea enough thought that..."
- Session 73 -
"I Trumped Kaedric after spending some time with Laughter..."
- Session 74 -
"The middle of the night and there's a knock at my door."
- Session 75 -
"God damn it, Claudio! What were you thinking?"
- Session 76 -
"There was a knock at my door later that morning."
- Session 77 -
"I was in my office that morning when a page announced Killian."
- Session 78 -
"I awoke to stale air and the choking smell of dust."
- Session 38 -
"Well diary, some weird stuff has happened since we talked."
- Session 39 -
"Well, I found Sand, my aunt. She seems quite the egocentric."
- Session 40 -
"Allah forgive. I killed my father."
- Session 42 -
"I failed him."
- Session 46 -
"What a weird two days."
- Session 47 -
"How fortune and Allah's favor turns quickly."
- Sessions
48-49 - "Delwin is out there. I know it."
- Session 50 -
"So, Caitlin, you got your wish..."
- Sessions
51-52 - "I really did it this time."
- Session 53 -
"Random doesn't like me. Sky is angry with me."
- Session 54 -
"Fool!!! You watch the effects she had on Merlin, and think you are
- Session 55 -
"What have I gotten myself into?"
- Session 56 -
"Sky. In less than a week I went from being close to what I
- Session 58 -
"I was so terrible that she fled the universe."
- Session 60 -
"Isaac... I've missed the first six years of your life."
- Session 61 -
"The past two years have been relaxing..."
- Session 62 -
"I started my residence in Chaos this morning..."
- Session 63 -
"What am I, an idiot?"
- Session 64 -
"What is Corwin thinking?? Make Amends?? She is going to kill
- Session 65 -
"Interesting. I finally have my life on track..."
- Session 66 -
"I pray I never have to walk the Logrus."
- Session 67 -
"As my foot begins to feel the resistance of the Pattern..."
- Session 69 -
"What an interesting couple of days."
- Session 70 -
"It has been exhausting, the past few weeks."
- Session 71 -
"No. I do not understand what the drug did to me..."
- Session 73 -
"I awakened slowly, wondering what the hell had happened..."
- Session 74 -
"Beautiful. She is incredible."
- Session 75 -
"Damn him and his temper! How dare he slice my throat!"
- Session 76 -
"That did not go as well as I would have liked."
- Session 77 -
"I sit down to write this, the first time with fear in my heart."
- Session 78 -
"Well, I've done some real boneheaded things in my life."
- Session 79 -
"At least I found out what happened to me."
- Session 80 -
"When I woke up this morning, I didn't think much would happen."
- Session 82 -
"We awakened on that morning..."
- Session 64 -
"Listen, oh Great Spirits, to my tale."
- Session 65 -
"Great Spirits, I seek your guidance."
- Session 66 -
"Spirits of my People!"
- Session 67 -
"Great Spirits, I return triumphant!"
- Session 68 -
"Great Spirits, why have you deserted me?"
- Session 69 -
"I have been cast into the den of iniquity."
- Session 70 -
"The tests continue."
- Session 71 -
"Long ago, or so it seems, I was happy..."
- Session 72 -
"I am, I think, being courted by two sisters."
- Session 73 -
"Time for a change of pace."
- Session 74 -
"This ceremony they do - this wedding - is mildly interesting..."
- Session 76 -
"I am not to die."
- Session 77 -
"I have been lost, Great Spirits."
- Session 78 -
"I had thought that Amber was bizarre beyond comprehension..."
- Session 79 -
"I no longer understand."
- Session 80 -
"Spirits, I do not know how much longer I can deal with these
- Session 28 -
"Something terrible has happened."
- Session 29 -
"It was an uneventful wedding, but interesting, nonetheless."
- Session 30 -
"Well, that did not work out quite according to plan."
- Session 31 -
"The best laid plans..."
- Session 32 -
"Maron is dead, by Sky's hand."
- Session 33 -
"My decision to kill Sandr may have been too hasty."
- Session 34 -
"Perhaps I should have assisted Sylvie in watching Mother."
- Session 35 -
"The Hendrake Pattern's destruction has precipitated my plans for
- Session 36 -
"Sandr should be all set."
- Session 37 -
"I thought I could go through with it."
- Session 38 -
"There are days when I am almost tempted to just give up..."
- Session 39 -
"It was a pleasant enough dinner."
- Session 40 -
"I am a fool. I should have listened to Father."
- Session 41 -
"So, it seems that Sand is free of the Taormin."
- Session 42 -
"I was not expecting to find Kaedric with Sylvie."
- Session 43 -
"The Abyss has yielded nothing yet, but I intend to try again..."
- Session 44 -
"So, Archimedes and the others are alive after all."
- Session 45 -
"The return of the missing certainly helped..."
- Session 46 -
"Mrs. Forsythe would be horrified."
- Session 47 -
"Kaedric knows little of Joseph..."
- Sessions
48-49 - "I will say this for the man, he is difficult to
- Session 50 -
"Obtaining Eve's body proved to be far less difficult..."
- Session 51 -
"My brothers live again, but know me not."
- Session 52 -
"The night was most unpleasant."
- Session 53 -
"The man is insufferable, arrogant, and far too smug.
- Session 54 -
"Bastard. He has gone too far this time."
- Session 55 -
"This is intolerable."
- Session 56 -
"That strange Chaos creature of Archimedes'..."
- Session 57 -
"It is rather strange."
- Session 58 -
"As I had expected, it was the appearance of the Serpent..."
- Session 59 -
"I had expected to remain angry with Kaedric longer than this."
- Session 60 -
"All right, I admit it, I actually had 'fun.'"
- Session 61 -
"I should not have come here."
- Session 62 -
"Despite my desire to rid myself of the child as quickly as
- Session 63 -
"Kaedric returned with Ulysses..."
- Session 64 -
"We passed ten years in Chantille Vale."
- Session 65 -
"Sylvester spent some time visiting his niece before he
- Session 66 -
"The move to Kaedricways went without difficulty..."
- Session 67 -
"I was in the room again, strapped to the chair again."
- Session 68 -
"I awoke alone..."
- Session 69 -
"I awoke still wrapped in Kaedric's arms..."
- Session 70 -
"Kaedric left early, as usual."
- Session 71 -
"It was perhaps two hours before dawn..."
- Session 72 -
"Kaedric presented the bodyguards to me the following afternoon."
- Session 73 -
"Apparently, discussing having another child made Kaedric rather
- Session 74 -
"It was shortly after breakfast that I received a Trump call from
- Session 75 -
"The day finally came for us to return to Chaos..."
- Session 76 -
"The argument with Kaedric ended..."
- Session 77 -
"I came to consciousness slowly, almost reluctantly."
- Session 78 -
"I continued watching the battle as it raged..."
- Session 79 -
"The conversation soon ground to a halt..."
- Session 80 -
"Kaedric went over his plans for Claudio..."
- Session 81 -
"Claudio wanted to contact Sky..."
- Session 82 -
"The night passed somewhat uneasily"
- Session 29 - "Things
just became a lot more serious."
- Session 30 - "I'm
writing this just before heading back off to Amber."
- Session 75 - "DUDE!!
What a wild ride."
- Session 76 - "Well,
I'm back in Gaia again..."
- Session 77 - "Once
again, I am back in the land of psychos..."
- Session 78 - "I'd
better make this quick."
- Session 79 - "Tell us
how Dworkin got into your head, Uncle Mok!!"
- Session 69 -
"In a weird way, coming to Amber is like coming home again."
- Session 70 -
"So this Claudio guy is asking me if I stay bought."
- Session 71 - "I
never set out to be an assassin."
- Session 72 -
"I'm committed now."
- Session 74 -
"They said she was Suhuy's first lover, but I doubted that."
- Session 75 -
"Now I'll get my revenge."
- Session 76 -
"I've always had a deep belief in the principle of economy."
- Session 1
- Session 4
- Session 5
- Session 6
- Session 7
- Session 8
- Session 9
- Session 10
- Session 11
- Session 12
- Session 13
- Session 14
- Session 15
- Session 16
- Session 17
- Session 19
- Session 21
- Session 22
- Session 23
- Session 24
- Session 26
- Session 27
- Session 28
- Session 29
- Session 30
- Session 31
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session
- Session 52 -
"Well, that was quite the surprise."
- Session 53 -
"This is getting to be annoying."
- Session 54 -
"This is getting boring."
- Session 55 -
"Well, the tournament thing is happening."
- Session 56 -
"Well, I continue to kick butt in this tournament thing."
- Session 58 -
"Well, that's over."
- Session 59 -
"It's so easy to kill, isn't it Caitlin?"
- Session 60 -
"I think I may have gone too far."
- Session 66 -
"You wanna throw down right now?"
- Session 67 -
"Alice in Wonderland? Jeez. How stupid."
- Session 78 -
"Ugh. How much longer is life going to suck?"
"Ghosts and Shadows"
Main Page
The Courts of Chaos
Game Logs
Diaries of Former Players |
Diaries of NPCs
Done by Kris
Fazzari and
Merrie Haskell.
Last modified on August 20, 1997 by Kris Fazzari.