Great Spirits, I return triumphant!  I have taken from Godshome
the goddess of the realms above, called Sky, with hair of the color of her
realm.  She has proven herself an able huntress, and by her own words was
not the claimed woman of any man.  She is worthy to bear many strong
children, oh Spirits, and is a fitting companion.  Even more, I now know
why the warriors of my people fight to the death, even against innumerable
foes, for their woman.  I had thought it nothing, a weakness of the
mortals, something left to them, and risen above amongst the ranks of the
Gods.  But now I understand, Great Spirits, and bow to your wisdom in
hiding these things from me until you led me to a worthy mate.  Your
ageless knowledge has asserted itself once more, and humbles me in its

	Truly, Spirits of my Ancestors, I have taken my place amongst the
Gods. I have taken from among them one of their own, and escaped unscathed
from the very midst of their castle, using the source of our mutual power
to return here, to MY realm, where I rule supreme.  They were as less than
children, unable to even perceive my presence.  Truly, the raid would have
been perfect, but my skills had grown lax while residing in Godshome, and
I was not able to kill both mortals who confronted my quickly enough to
stop them from giving an alarm.  This was my only mistake, Great Spirits,
and I ask of you your forgiveness for letting my skills decline.  Fear
not, though, oh Spirits, for I suspect that my new woman will encourage
the practice of my skills at arms, and shall increase my awareness of my
surroundings, beyond even the levels of the past.  As I said, she is truly
a worthy mate.

	Great Spirits, I ask of you a boon.  If there is a strong man
amongst the Gods, lead him here, that I may encounter him, and know that
the realms of the immortals are safe, with a worthy protector.  Those I
have met thus, even the one claiming to be my father, are weaklings and
cowards, hiding behind their sorceries, showing their weakness to all.  I
recall again Corwin, who claims to be my father, in his cowardice, leading
me to bring about Claudio's death, using my ignorance to accomplish that
which he could not do.  Claudio himself could have avoided that, merely by
killing Corwin and taking Sky, but instead chose to sneak off, leaving to
Corwin's mercy a son of Claudio's blood.  Then Archimedes, called Crown
Prince amongst the Gods, which I take as an expression of rank and power,
required my aid in walking the Pattern, as he was not strong enough to
accomplish it on his own.  I aided him, as he is of high rank in the realm
of the Gods, and will remember this favor when I return to claim amongst
them my place befitting my deeds.  Also, Great Spirits, I feel some
friendship towards him, despite his weakness, which prompted me to aid him
in his walking of the Pattern.  Not until later did I learn that he, too,
is dominated by a woman, the Goddess Laughter, who reigns over which
realm, I do not know.  She, perhaps, will be my second wife, Great
Spirits, claimed after Sky has accepted her position, and appreciates her
status as a mate of a strong God.

	In truth, Great Spirits, Godshome abounds with worthy mates.  I
have met many Goddesses during my time there.  Fiona, Flora, Laughter and
Sky are all beautiful women, and if Laughter and Sky are representative of
them, all will bear many strong sons to their mates.  Would that there
were Gods amongst them strong enough to take them, that Godshome would be
ripe with Warrior-Gods.  Though Corwin told me of the Patternfall, and of
the prowess of the Gods, I begin to suspect he embellished the truth,
making himself, and them, look better to gain my favor.  Would that
Benedict and Bleys, and their father, Oberon, were what Corwin made them
out to be.  The strength of Gerard, and the prowess of Julian, all would
bring from me the respect worthy their stations among the Gods.  Yet,
though I have not yet met two of them, Gerard and Julian, I have met Bleys
and Benedict.  Though Benedict I do not know, Bleys has shown his weakness
before, and will yet again, I feel sure.  Those mighty battles, I suspect,
are at best pale shadows of the tales of Corwin, at worst facile lies to
win my respect.

	Great Spirits, I thank you for guiding me to Godshome, and to the
woman fated for me.  I will remain for a time, watching over your people
as I have been given to do through the ages, residing here with my new
mate, and raising a strong family, with your aid.

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