I don't get a rest, do I? So, I'm a living Trump, and it's all
because of my loving father. And my good buddy Tianen. Bitch. This is
the thanks I get for convincing Random to let her out of the dungeon.
On top of that, I know who my father is. Some half-nut Chaosite
loser who's not cool enough to leave me the fuck alone. No, Mr. Dad has
to go and kidnap me, and hang me from a tree, and make me immortal.
Christ, the last thing I want right now is for my kids to be immortal.
That's just what I need. What a maroon.
Of course, there is the chance that Shandril is lying to me. I
mean, I did get caught in a Trump Hole, which is a pretty Maron thing.
And, he is enough of a scheming bastard to plan for me finding out about
he and Shandril's little game. I mean, all she did was hand me Trumps of
two people, one of which she claimed was Tianen, and the other my father.
Not that I'd get a straight answer, but maybe I should go talk to Tianen.
See who she blames for the mess. I know, it was the one-armed man. Or
maybe Bob. All I know is that some fool wants me immortal, for some
reason that I have yet to learn.
I'm not even sure that Perseus is my dad. I guess one way to find
out would be to walk his Pattern, but I'm not too sure that this is a good
idea, since I would much enjoy seeing them destroyed. And, looking at
what happened to Brand, I don't think I want to destroy the Pattern I've
walked. That would make me unhappy. Well, I tried to Trump "Dad," and
he's off in his own universe (or at least I assume it's his, he might be
in another for shits and giggles), trying to hide. Fucker. What an idiot.
I will find him, it's just a matter of time. I can get Archi to come with
me, since the Jewel will allow us to travel in another universe without
having that Pattern. Or, I could walk the Pattern there, and follow the
bastard. It kind of depends on Archi, I'd guess.
Speaking of which, I got so wrapped up in my own plight, that I
almost forgot about the coronation. That would have been bad. But, I did
manage to locate (sort of) Benedict. He's also in another universe. I
just don't know which one. I was hoping to bring him home for the
ceremony, but I guess that's not to be. Oh well.
Anyway, I'm going to help finish putting the coronation together,
and then I'll worry about all the shit that's going on.
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