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"Outrageous Fortune" quotes Sessions 110-119 |
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"Well, this is the best I can do." -- Masseuse
"Well, I guess this is the best I can expect to feel." -- Vixen
"I allow myself to be lulled into security. Please don't let it be false." -- Vixen to GM
"You have really nasty dreams." -- GM
"That's better than having a really nasty reality." -- Vixen
"How do you tickle a table?" -- Jen to the group
"I can think of one (assassination attempt). And if I can think of one, I can think of two, I just have to think a little longer." -- Merrie to the group
"That part of yourself is in stasis." -- GM to Ariana
"Hey, kill it." -- Merrie
"I'm not going to kill myself!" -- Kris
"You know what, I'm not going to like it if you're not you anymore." -- Laughter to Ariana
"I never had to do work when I was ambassador." -- Alex to Laughter
"Can I still pee?" -- Laughter to GM, after being cursed by an Unseelie faerie
"If you kill me, I'll speak to you not." -- Unseelie faerie to Reeshau
"Do I keep pouting?" -- Vixen the assassin to the group
"Eric made the sword promise on a cold faerie." -- Matt to the group
"Two bodies, one soul, what's a woman to do?" -- Merrie to the group
"You death cursed yourself!" -- Matt to Kris
"There is a solution to all of this. Foster takes Alex's form and
makes mad, passionate love to you for the rest of the afternoon." --
"Yeah, but then I'd have memories of it." -- Merrie
"Suddenly, my eyes are full of dust, and the next thing I know, I was full of lust." -- Laughter to Foster
"I'm not marrying (Alex)." -- Driscoll to Laughter
"I have no dignity left." -- Laughter to Caitt
"You never had any to begin with." -- Kris
"What was the heavy weight, then?" -- Vixen
"(Eric's) medallion." -- Sean
"Bleys, Random and Eric. I wish we had a useful elder here." -- Alex to GM
"Thank God I was not forced to give birth to a puppy under the table." -- Vixen to the group
"Malcolm has no reason to not do this, I hope." -- Eric Braun to the group
"Oh come on, I'm an assassin, take me with you!" -- Vixen to Ronan
"The ground starts to shake furiously." -- GM
"I look for worms." -- Ronan
"Why is (Primal Chaos) here?" -- Ronan
"Uh, something happened, sir?" -- Malcolm
"(Kimdyl) didn't die (when I kicked her in the head), and she wasn't Queen then, so it wasn't wrong." -- Felix to the group
"And Felix is blindly babbling on, because he does that." -- Liam to the group
"Felix is learning more about the universe than he ever needed to know." -- Liam to the group
"I don't think (the brothel) has a basement. If it does, then it's
wet." -- Vixen to GM
"No, you have a new Rebma room." -- Liam
"What caused the last earthquake?" -- Vixen
"The death of our gods." -- Eric
"I'm going to stop asking questions." -- Vixen
"I'm not being very helpful." -- Alex to GM
"But then again, when are you?" -- Liam
"There's a gaping hole where none should be, and it's not just the plot, this time." -- Eric Braun to the group
"(Ronan) thinks Brand is tapping his mind, so he keeps changing it
every few minutes." -- Kris
"He goes to the Laughter school of tactics." -- Eric Braun
"Nicholas, and his entire party, are on the other side of the chasm."
-- Brand
"That's where we're going, then." -- Ronan
"What do you want!" -- Ronan
"Uh, you Trumped me." -- Eric
"(Julian's) a jerk, but at least he has style." -- Ronan to GM
"My warriors do not eat ice cream." -- Ronan to GM
"Donal gives me that same look when he doesn't want to eat Brussels
sprouts." -- Tamaryn
"Donal's a fool for passing up food." -- Felix
"The bun is in the oven, but the oven isn't on." -- George to the group, referring to the fact that Ariana's pregnant body is in stasis
"I guess you can't have your Caitt and demon too." -- George to the group
"That's right, you were gone when the couch stabbed me." -- Vixen to Ariana
"I made the carpet bleed." -- Vixen to Eric
"Well, of course (Lucretia) is happy - that's what's wrong." -- Alex to GM
"For the first time in my life, I don't know what the future holds." --
"We could send you back to Shadow Earth, where the future holds game shows
and romance novels." -- Felix
"Tamaryn punches Felix hard somewhere soft." -- GM
"Maybe not." -- Felix
"I'll marry you, honey, as soon as I divorce my wife." -- Merrie, speaking for Eric, to Vixen
"Elspeth is actually the one who seems to be taking the most after
Fiona" -- GM to Laughter
"That's good, we need to replace her." -- Jen
"Elspeth's symbol is an apple on a divided field, half black, half
white." -- GM
"She kind of derived her symbol from mine." -- Laughter
"The apple didn't fall far from the tree." -- Liam
"Crispin dives into bed, his mouth going a mile a minute, something
about Laughter and a bunch of strangers." -- GM to Felix
"More husbands?" -- Sean
"I've invited you in, what else am I supposed to do?" -- Felix to
Laughter's kids
"There's always food." -- Haris
"This one's mine." -- Felix to Isaac
"Is there a (broken Pattern) with wheelchair access?" -- Matt to the group
"(Beauty's) pretty real, for a Shadow." -- Merrie to the group
"So, who's on Brand's side, because we should kill them too." -- Laughter to Eric
"If I'd killed Eric, I wouldn't have been able to flirt my way out of the dungeon." -- Vixen to the group
"Actually, they call themselves Feyans." -- Eric
"Why?" -- Laughter
"Because Avalonians sounds stupid?" -- Eric
"You know, this means (Isabeux's) uterus will eventually grow back." --
"How many games can you say that in?" -- Eric Braun
"Of course, the Fremen didn't react well to the bagpipes." -- Eric Braun to Matt
"I don't know if I can do this, just because Foster would be horribly betrayed if both of us had sex with dragons." -- Laughter to Driscoll
"Basically, I have to go out and raise an entire crew of battle-ready women, or I have to have sex with a dragon." -- Laughter to Driscoll
"How's a woman going to fit into the King's Guard?" -- Iseult
"I've got several...in the guard." -- Ronan
"So, you're marrying your son off for inciting rebellion. What did I do to you?" -- Felix to Eric, upon being told that he's in danger of being married off
"(Angel) feels more at home in the cathouse than the castle." -- Liam to the group
"I wish I hadn't had that turn. Now I'm really ooged out." -- Vixen to the group, after burning a creature of blood out of her lungs
"You wouldn't want me to disappear while you're trying to gain political power through me." -- Alex to Lucretia
"Are you all right?" -- Felix
"No, but I'm getting used to it." -- Ariana
"OK, now what just happened?" -- Eric
"I don't know." -- Felix
"That's right, Bleys is out in Shadow getting carpet for the brothel, and other necessary things." -- Jen to the group
"Men in skirts, and the women who love them." -- Sean to the group, about Felix
"I don't want (Ronan) there while I throw a bomb through Lucretia's window." -- Vixen to the group
"Arranged marriages...I don't like them for me, but I could grow to like them once I'm married." -- Felix to the group
"Jalana is Ariana's daughter, she can probably read my every thought. There are farm animals that can probably read my every thought." -- Felix to Tamaryn
"You can't even put that in as a quote, since it would be too much like reality. I mean Amber." -- Jen to the group
"I have Alexandra here, she's coughing up blood. I'm concerned." -- Vixen to Suhuy
"I am going to beat up the cat to prove I'm more of a man than my dog." -- Kris, speaking for Ronan, to Iseult
"If (Gavin) attempts to read my mind, he's going to find one big mass of confusion." -- Vixen to GM
"It's Benedict's knife." -- Vixen
"Maybe you shouldn't have lost it, then." -- Ronan
"They're arranging the marriage in about three months." -- GM
"I only have three months in which to die." -- Ronan
"If you are unlucky, and get yourself killed, I will find a way to
haunt you." -- Eric
"Isn't that backwards?" -- Vixen
"I have a king to look after." -- Eric Braun
"For. You have a king to look for." -- Matt S.
"I'm a very goal-oriented guy." -- Ronan
"You weren't last night." -- GM
"Yes I was. (Iseult and I) just had two different goals." -- Ronan
"Why are you going?" -- Lucretia
"Because they couldn't find Suhuy." -- Alex
"I've already lost one child to Chaos, two would be embarrassing." -- Lucretia to Alex
"(Whimsy) keeps her glares to herself." -- Matthew R.
"Isn't it hard to glare at yourself?" -- Liam
"She has a mirror." -- Matthew R.
"Do I recognize any of the people who came through?" -- Whimsy
"Laughter." -- GM
"Oh shit, that means they're incompetent, but not evil." -- Whimsy
"I do not want to kill Nicholas. I want him to die, I just don't want to kill him." -- Vixen to GM
"Son, no one has ever accused me of putting much thought or emphasis behind my words." -- Gérard to Felix
"I don't want to get into a conflict with your dead sister." -- Whimsy to Nicholas
"Bruce goes over to your bed, lifts up his leg, piddles all over your
mattress, and leaves." -- GM to Ronan
"Well, at least he's not stopping you from leaving anymore." -- Kris
"Oh look, (Bart's) mind's just like a walnut, you crack it open and all the yummy stuff is on the inside." -- Whimsy to the group
"I'm all battered. I think I'll go home." -- Whimsy to GM
"Between the workout and the alcohol, I should be able to sleep." --
Ariana to GM
"I could have just hit her on the head, if I'd known that's what she
wanted." -- Ishmael
"Ronan, you wake up to the smell of piss." -- GM
"For a minute, I almost think I'm home." -- Ronan
"Stuck? That isn't the sort of word you want to use in the Pattern room." -- Ronan to Fiona
"I had a chunk of Hendrake in my bag. It seems to have escaped." -- Whimsy to Lyss
"How are you going to defend yourself with Pattern against a sword?" --
"I don't know. I'm hoping." -- Alex
"I'm not judgmental in the least." -- Ronan to the group
"I didn't make myself immortal just to be offed by your mother." -- Caitt to Alex
"If I want a husband, I'll conjure one." -- Whimsy to the group
"What wee lass?" -- Matthew R.
"The leader of the rebellion that (Ronan) incited." -- Matt S.
"I did not!" -- Eric Braun
"I'm comforted that the Court assassin appreciates my sense of honor and decorum." -- Ronan to Eric
"If I want to be beaten and humiliated, I can go to Eric." -- Vixen to the group
"This is the same man who put out Corwin's eyes. He can't possibly be
having qualms about a little petty arson." -- Eric Braun
"Corwin was his brother." -- Dan
"Just like the two Morgans were a coincidence. Your son, my whore." -- Jen to Kris
"Treason like that could get a man hung." -- Whimsy
"Or married." -- Meyrem
"There seems to be a round of betrothals going around." -- Whimsy
"But I did not foment rebellion." -- Felix
"There's still time." -- Whimsy
"I wish I knew (Whimsy) was in her room studying, because I'd torch it." -- Alex to GM
"I will have Rénard with me, because I would have Rénard with me, wouldn't I?" -- Jen to GM
"Tamaryn is a tall, half-faerie woman with large, brown eyes." -- GM to
"With a very large man standing next to her." -- Felix
"I'm Ariana." -- Ariana
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Irene." -- Irene
"Irene, this is Ariana." -- Felix
"We've met." -- Irene
"Murine knew, but you're not Murine, are you?" -- Felix to Tamaryn
"(Laughter and Foster's) minds have been wiped." -- Nicholas to
"How can you tell?" -- Kris
"Excuse me, I work in there." -- Elaine to Ishmael, after being shoved out of Whimsy's quarters
"That's the first thing I'm not going to do. Other things I'm not going to do will be following." -- Ronan to GM
"(Driscoll's) my cousin. Not that that matters." -- Ariana to the
group, referring to sleeping with Driscoll
"This is Amber, after all." -- Ronan
"I know (Iseult) is doing something stupid. She's my granddaughter." -- Felix to Ronan
"Now you're all doing something stupid." -- Felix
"No, it's only stupid if we find Brand." -- Ronan
"Perhaps someone should walk (the Pattern) in front of Foster. He had
a terrible time the first time." -- Felix to Bleys
"Please don't tell me you said that right in front of Foster." -- Kris
"Oops, I guess I did." -- Liam
"Felix, this is Ronan." -- Ronan, as the Trump contact opens
"I see that." -- Felix
"Outrageous Fortune"
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Done by Kris Fazzari.
Last modified on September 13, 1998 by Kris Fazzari.