University of 
Michigan Documents Center

100% Geography and Data Sources


Instructions | Questionnaire | 100% Geography | 100% Sources
Sample Geography | Sample Sources | Printed Reports | CD-ROMS
Magnetic Tape Only | Internet | Maps

Last Updated September 24, 1999
Requires Netscape 1.1 or Higher


An area bounded on all sides by visible features, such as streets, roads, streams, and occasionally by invisible boundaries, such as a township line. The entire country has been blocked in 1990.

Block Group (BG)
A group of blocks for tabulation purposes. Replaces the Enumeration District concept for rural areas in previous censuses.

Block Numbering Area (BNA)
An area delineated cooperatively by the States and Census Bureau for grouping blocks where census tracts have not been established (e.g. outside metropolitan areas). The entire country will have census tracts or BNA's in 1990.

Census County Division (CCD)
Replaces MCD's in states where they are not adequately defined.

Census Designated Place
An unincorporated concentration of population with a definite residential nucleus, such as Whitmore Lake.

Census Tract
A statistical subdivision of a metropolitan area with an average of 4,000 inhabitants. Defined by local committees to approximate a neighborhood.

A city, town, township, or village. The link is to the first of five tables arranged by size of place.

Congressional Districts
Congressional voting districts for the 101st Congress, 1989-90A; 103rd Congress, 1993-94, and 104th Congress, 1995-96.

Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA)
Two or more contiguous MSA's (see MSA definition below). The Detroit CMSA is comprised of the Detroit and Ann Arbor PMSA's.

County Equivalent
A geographic entity not legally referred to as a county but treated as such for data tabulation purposes.

Indian Reservations
Federally-defined Indian reservations, which may cross state boundaries, as well as Alaskan Native villages.

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
A city of over 50,000 inhabitants together with the county in which it is located and contiguous counties which are economically and socially integrated with the central city. It may also consist of an urbanized area of 50,000 with a total metropolitan area population of at least 100,000. The Lansing-East Lansing MSA consists of Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties.

Minor Civil Division (MCD)
The primary political and administrative subdivision of a county in 28 states. They may be designated as township, town, borough, magisterial district, or gore. The link is to the first of five tables arranged by size category.

The United States includes 50 states, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas.

A city, town, township, or village. The link is to the first of five tables arranged by size of place.

Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA)
An MSA component of a Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Ann Arbor PMSA (Washtenaw County) and Detroit PMSA (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, St. Clair, Lapeer and Monroe Counties) comprise the Detroit-Ann Arbor CMSA.

Public Use Microdata Areas
Not applicable for 100% data. See definition under sample data.

Rural Area
All geographic areas not covered immediately above.

School Districts
Not applicable for 100% data. See definition under sample data.

Fifty states plus the District of Columbia. Outlying terrorities are often treated as states for statistical purposes.

Urban Area
Urbanized Areas plus all places of over 2,500 inhabitants.

Urbanized Area
A central city plus the closely-settled urban fringe that together have a minimum population of 50,000.

Zip Codes
Not applicable for 100% data. See definition under sample data.

One Hundred Percent Questionnaire Data Index

Asterisks refer to map availability.

Format Housing PopulationHousing and Population
CD-ROM... PL94-171STF 1B
Tape Only.........

Block Group**
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
CD-ROM... ...STF 1A
Tape Only... ... ...

Congressional District - 101st Congress
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print... ... ...
CD-ROM......STF 1A
Tape Only... ......

Congressional District - 103rd/104th
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print... ......
CD-ROM......STF 3D/1D
Tape Only... ... ...
Internet......Census LookUp

FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1 CP1 CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A, STF 1C
Tape Only......STF 2C
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK (Mich)

Metro Area (MSA, CMSA, PMSA)
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1-1B CP1-1B CPH1-1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1C
Tape Only......STF 2C
Internet......Census LookUp

FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1-1A CP1-1A CPH1-1, CPH2-1
CD-ROM.......STF 1C
Tape Only.........
Internet......Census LookUp

Native American Areas
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1-1A CP1-1A CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A-D
Tape Only......STF 2B-C

Places/MCD/CCD - All
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print......CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A
Tape Only... ... ...
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK (Mich)

Places/MCD/CCD 50,000+
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print CH1 CP1 CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A, STF 1C
Tape Only......STF 2A
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK (Mich)

Places/MCD/CCD 10,000+
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print CH1 CP1 CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM ......STF 1A, STF 1C
Tape Only......STF 2A, STF 2C
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK (Mich)

Places/MCD/CCD 2500+
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print CH1 CP1 CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A
Tape Only......STF 2B
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK (Mich)

Places/MCD/CCD 1000+
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1 CP1 CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A
Tape Only......STF 2B
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK (Mich)

FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1 CP1 CPH1, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1A, STF 1C
Tape Only......STF 2A, STF 2C
Internet......Census LookUp, MLINK

Tract/Block Numbering Areas *
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
Print... ......
CD-ROM......STF 1A
Tape Only......STF 2A

Urbanized Area (Urban/Rural)
FormatHousingPopulationHousing and Population
PrintCH1-1C CP1-1C CPH1-1A, CPH2
CD-ROM......STF 1C
Tape Only......STF 2C
Internet.....Census LookUp

Written by Grace York
Web version by Bob Summers and Grace York
Corrections to

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