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Last updated on June 17,
Two questionnaires were used when the Census was conducted on
April 1, l990. A short form with population and housing items was
sent to each household in the United States. The long form with
additional questions was sent to 17% of all housing units. Copies of the
questionnaires appear in 200 Years of U.S. Census Taking [Entry
1], most 1990 Census publications, and the 1990 Census
Users' Guide [Entry 2]. The subjects covered by these
questionnaires are listed below. Census
Questionnaire Facsimile. See
Variable Definitions for additional detail.
100-Percent Items |
Population | Housing |
Household relationship | Number of units in structure |
Sex | Number of rooms in unit |
Race | Tenure (owned or rented) |
Age | Value of home or monthly |
Marital status | Rent paid |
Hispanic origin | Vacancy characteristics |
... | Congregate housing |
Sample Items |
Population | Housing |
School enrollment | Year structure
built |
Educational attainment | Year moved into residence |
State or foreign country of birth | Source of water |
Citizenship and year of immigration | Sewage disposal |
Language spoken at home | Heating fuel |
Ancestry | Plumbing and kitchen facilities |
Place of residence 5 years ago | Number of bedrooms |
Veteran status | Farm residence |
Disability | Telephone |
Fertility | Vehicles available |
Place of work | Condominium status |
Journey to work | Shelter costs, including |
Year last worked | Utilities |
Industry | ... |
Occupation | ... |
Class of worker | ... |
Work experience in 1989 | ... |
Income/poverty in 1989 | ... |
Labor force status | ... |
- Block
- An area bounded on all sides by visible features, such as streets, roads, streams, and occasionally by invisible boundaries, such as a township line. The entire country has been blocked in 1990.
- Block Group (BG)
- A group of blocks for tabulation purposes. Replaces the Enumeration District concept for rural areas in previous censuses.
- Block Numbering Area (BNA)
- An area delineated cooperatively by the States and Census Bureau for grouping blocks where census tracts have not been established (e.g. outside metropolitan areas). The entire country will have census tracts or BNA's in 1990.
- Census County Division (CCD)
- Replaces MCD's in states where they are not adequately defined.
- Census Designated Place
- An unincorporated concentration of population with a definite residential nucleus, such as Whitmore Lake.
- Census Tract
- A statistical subdivision of a metropolitan area with an average of 4,000 inhabitants. Defined by local committees to approximate a neighborhood.
- Congressional Districts
- Congressional voting districts for the 101st Congress, 1989-90;
103rd Congress, 1993-94, and 104th Congress, 1995-96.
- Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA)
- Two or more contiguous MSA's (see MSA definition below). The Detroit CMSA is comprised of the Detroit and Ann Arbor PMSA's.
- County Equivalent
- A geographic entity not legally referred to as a county but treated as such for data tabulation purposes.
- Indian Reservations
- Federally-defined Indian reservations, which may cross state boundaries, as well as Alaskan
Native villages.
- Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
- A city of over 50,000 inhabitants together with the county in
which it is located and contiguous counties which are economically and
socially integrated with the central city. It may also consist of an
urbanized area of 50,000 with a total metropolitan area population of at
least 100,000. The Lansing-East Lansing MSA consists of Clinton, Eaton, and
Ingham Counties.
- Minor Civil Division (MCD)
- The primary political and administrative subdivision of a county in 28 states. They may be designated as township, town, borough, magisterial district, or gore. The link is to the first of five tables arranged by size category.
- Nation
- The United States includes 50 states, the District of Columbia, and outlying areas.
- Place
- A city, town, township, or village.
- Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA)
- An MSA component of a Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Ann Arbor PMSA (Washtenaw County) and Detroit PMSA (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston,
St. Clair, Lapeer and Monroe Counties) comprise the Detroit-Ann Arbor CMSA.
- Public Use Microdata Areas
- County groups or portions of MSAs with 100,000 or
more inhabitants.
- Rural Area
- All geographic areas not covered immediately above.
- School Districts
- School Districts as defined by states and local communities.
- Urban Area
- Urbanized Areas plus all places of over 2,500 inhabitants.
- Urbanized Area
- A central city plus the closely-settled urban fringe that together have a minimum population of 50,000.
- Zip Codes
- Postal zip codes identified for mail delivery, rather than physical location, as of April 1990. Many
zip codes changed as a result of the Census but those changes are
not reflected in the data products.
- 200 Years of U.S. Census Taking: Population
and Housing Questions, 1790-1990.
[Entry 1]
- (Docs. HA 37 .U52 B68 1989
- Copies of all 100%, sample, and supplementary
questionnaires beginning with 1790. The 1990
questionnaires begin on p. 98.
- 1990 Census of Population and Housing User's Guide.
[Entry 2]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 Guide - Stat. Ref.)
1 and Part
Explains the census questionnaire and geographic concepts in detail, outlines census
processing procedures and data limitations, and
discusses the printed, microfiche and computer data
products issued. Part B is a detailed glossary of terms.
- Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations.
[Entry 3]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A46 1992 - Stat.Ref.)
- Identifies 21,000 industries and 30,000 occupations, providing their three-digit Census codes.
- Classified Index of Industries and Occupations. [Entry 4]
(Docs. HA 201 1990 .A57 1992 - Stat. Ref.)
- Lists 21,000 industries and 30,000 occupations
by a three-digit Census code. Used for interpreting
industries and occupations in Census reports.
- 1990 Census Tract Coding Guide. Detroit,
Detroit Southeast Michigan Council of
Governments, 1991 [Entry 5]
- (Docs. HA 730 .D6 N72 - Stat. Ref.)
- Alphabetical listings of all streets in Washtenaw,
Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties with low
and high addresses on the odd and even sides of
streets and corresponding
census tract numbers.
- TIGER/Census Tract Street Index CD-ROM. [Entry 6]
- (Docs. CD-ROM File)
- Identifies the Census Tract/BNA number and zip code for every street in the United
States. Choose State and then press M to search by either street name,
zip code, county, minor civil division, or place.
- Geographic Identification Code Scheme CD-ROM. [Entry 7]
- (Docs. Do4)
- Census place codes for states, metropolitan areas, urbanized areas, counties, county
subdivisions, all places, and American Indian/Alaska Native villages.
- General Housing Characteristics. (CH1) [Entry
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A47 1992--Stat.Ref.)
- One volume for each state with statistics for
counties and places of 1,000 or more on 100% housing
characteristics (number of rooms, rent, value,
occupancy, vacancy). A guide in Section II
cross-hatches subject by size or type of
place to
locate table number.
The U.S. Summary provides data
for the nation, regions, states, MSAs, UAs, and
places of 10,000+. State reports do not include
metropolitan or Native American area data. The
statistics for all states appear in three separate
reports: General Housing Characteristics for American
Indian and Alaska Native Areas (CH-1-1A), Statistical
Areas (CH-1-1B), and Urbanized Areas (CH-1-1C).
- Detailed Housing Characteristics. (CH2) [Entry 9]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A472 1993--Stat.Ref.)
- One volume for each state with data on age of
unit, year moved
into residence, heating fuel,
water and sewage, gross rent,
condominium status,
and ownership costs. Statistics shown for states,
counties and places over 2,500 inhabitants. A
table-finding guide appears in Section II. State
reports will not include metropolitan or Native
American area data. The statistics for all states
appear in three separate reports: Detailed Housing
for American Indian and Alaska Native Areas
(CH-2-1A), Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CH-2-1B)
Urbanized Areas (CH-2-1C).
- Census of Housing Subject Reports. (CH3) [Entry 10]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A473 1993--Stat.Ref.)
- Detailed cross-tabulations of housing characteristics on a
national level. The only printed report as of
February 1996 is Metropolitan Housing Characteristics (CH-3-1; housing
data for the U.S. by race and numerous socio-economic characteristics).
- Additional subject reports are available on CD-ROM (entry 28).
- Residential Finance. (CH4) [Entry 11]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A474--Stat.Ref.)
- Detailed national cross-tabulations of property, mortgage and owner characteristics by type of mortgage. Includes such variables as points, real estate taxes, and type of downpayment.
- General Population Characteristics (CP1) [Entry 12]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A46 1992--Stat.Ref.)
- One volume for each state with statistics on
and cross-classified
by age, sex, race, Hispanic
origin, marital status, household relationship, and
group quarters residence for counties and places of
1,000 or more. Includes single years os age under
21 and the homeless population. A table-finding
guide in Section II cross-hatches subject by size or
type of place to locate individual table numbers.
- The U.S. Summary volume provides data for the
nation, regions, states, MSAs, UAs, and places
of 10,000+. State reports do not include
metropolitan or Native American area data. The
statistics for all s
tates appear in three separate
reports: General Population Characteristics for
American Indian and Alaska Native Areas (CP-1-1A),
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CP-1-1B), and
Urbanized Areas (CP-1-1C).
- Social and Economic
Characteristics. (CP2) [Entry 13]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A462 1993--Stat.Ref.)
- One volume for each state with detailed tabulations of sample data
for the state, counties and places, including townships, of 2,500 or
inhabitants. Data include occupation, industry,
income, poverty status, school enrollment,
language, ethnic origin, country of birth, and
travel time to work. A table-finding guide
Section II cross-hatches subject by size and type of
place to locate individual table numbers.
- The U.S. Summary volume contains national and
selected place data.
State reports do not include
metropolitan or Native American area data. The
statistics for all states appear in three
separate reports published in 1994: Social &
Economic Characteristics for American Indian & Alaska
Native Areas (CP-2-1A), Metropolitan (CP-2-1B),
Urbanized Areas (CP-2-1C).
- Census of Population Subject Reports. (CP3) [Entry 14]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A463 1993--Stat.Ref.)
Detailed cross-tabulations of population characteristics on a national,
regional and divisional level.
- Published reports, as of February 1996, are: Foreign Born
of the U.S. (CP3-1; data for over 41 countries),
(CP3-2; data
for over 70 ancestry groups), Persons of
Hispanic Origin (CP3-3), Education
in the U.S. (CP3-4; U.S. and State data), Asians and Pacific
Islanders in
the U.S. (CP3-5), Characteristics of
the Black Population
(CP3-6; U.S., selected States and MSAs), and Characteristics of
American Indians by Tribe and Language (CP3-7; U.S. and State
data), Part
1 and Part
- Additional subjects reports have been released on CD-ROM (entry
- Summary Population and Housing Characteristics. (CPH1) [Entry 15]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A45 1991--Stat.Ref.)
- Separate state reports provide population and
housing unit counts as well as summary statistics on
age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, household
relationship, units in structure, value and rent, number of ro
oms, tenure and vacancy characteristics
for states, counties and local governments.
Odd-numbered tables list places and county
subdivisions by county while even-numbered tables
file them alphabetically within the state. A
table-finding guide appears in the Introduction,
- The U.S. Summary volume provides similar data for
the nation, regions, states, metropolitan areas, and
urbanized areas. This series provides only broad age
group data for t
he total population. For population
by narrower age groups, race and sex, see General
Population Characteristics.
- Population and Housing Unit Counts. (CPH2) [Entry 16]
- (Docs. HA 201 .A452 1993--Stat.Ref.)
- Provides total population and housing unit
counts, 1970-1990, a well as 1990 land area and
population density for States, counties, minor civil
divisions/census divisions, places, and MSAs. Many
tables provide urban/rur
al breakdowns. Separate
reports for each state plus a U.S. summary.
Appendix has county subdivision, metropolitan area
and urbanized area maps.
- Population and Housing Characteristics for
Census Tracts and Block Numbering Areas. (CPH3) [Entry 17]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A453--Stat.Ref.)
- Census Tracts are areas of about 4,000 inhabitants in MSAs and simulate neighborhoods. Block
Numbering Areas are basically Census Tract
equivalents in the non-metropolitan portion of the
country. This is
the first Census to "tract" the
entire country.
- One report issued for each MSA and one
for the balance of each state. Reports of PMSA
components of a CMSA are numbered with the CMSA
(i.e. the Ann Arbor PMSA
report is alphabeted next
to the Detroit--Ann Arbor CMSA report as pt.
134A.) Tract data is also available via the Internet (see Entry 42).
Among the social, economic and housing data
included in this report are age by sex, household
relationships, school enrollment, educational
attainment, journey to work, labor force and
disability status, ancestry and income, as well as
housing mortgage costs, fuels and equipment.
Statistics are tabulated by race for
tracts with 400 or more persons of that race. A
table-finding guide by race appears at the front of
each volume. Tables provide MSA, county, city,
tract and BNA totals.
- The Documents Center has corresponding maps
Michigan in paper. Tract maps for other
states are
available in the Documents Center on
Statistics Index microfiche
(ASI 1993 2551-10) and in the Map Library in electronic format. Tract
numbers for
individual street addresses may be identified by using the TIGER/Census Tract Street Index (entry 6)
- Population and Housing Characteristics for
Congressional Districts of the 103rd Congress. (CPH4) [Entry 18]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A454 1993--Stat.Ref.)
- One report for each state with detailed maps of
Districts drawn as a result of the
1990 Census.
Contains brief 100% and sample
data for the state, each Congressional
District, counties and pla
ces of 10,000+. 100%
data for the 102nd Congress appears on the STF1A
CD-ROM. One-hundred percent and sample
data for the 103rd Congress appears on STF3D.
- Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics (CPH 4) [Entry 19]
- (Docs. HA 201 1990 .A455 1992--Stat.Ref.)
- One report for each state and a U.S. summary with
sample population and housing data for local
governments. Brief data on language, education,
employment, disability, income, poverty, and housing
age, fuel, e
quipment, and finance. Odd-numbered
arranged by county and then subdivision with
even-numbered tables arranged alphabetically by
subdivision. May be the only report with sample data for places under 2500.
All CD-ROMS are available at the Documents
Center. They are also available on magnetic
tape through the Inter-University Consortium
for Political and Social Research. Contact
the Computer Assistance Program in the Political
Science Department (763-4582) to access the tapes.
- STF1A CD-ROM. [Entry 20]
- Summary Tape File 1A - 100% data for states, counties, cities,
census tracts, block groups, and districts of the 101st Congress.
- Data items
include age by race
and sex, marital status,
household type, housing
occupancy and vacancy
characteristics, value and
rent. Also on magnetic
tape at ICPSR
and the Internet
(http://venus.census.gov/cdrom/lookup/). See maps.
- STF1B CD-ROM. [Entry 21]
- Summary Tape File 1B - 100% data to block level.
Documents Center.
- Data items include a minimum number of population
and housing variables. Also on magnetic tape at
ICPSR. Not available on the Internet. See
- STF1C CD-ROM. [Entry 22]
- Summary Tape File 1C - 100% national data as well as urbanized
areas, metropolitan areas, states, counties, and places of 10,000+.
Documents Center.
- Provides 100% population and housing data items,
including age by race and sex, marital status,
household type, housing occupancy and vacancy
characteristics, value and rent. Also on magnetic
tape at ICPSR and the Internet
- STF1D CD-ROM. [Entry 23]
- Summary Tape File 1D/3D - 100% data for 103rd and 104th Congress
districts, states, and places.
Documents Center.
- Provides 100% population and housing data items,
including age by race and sex, marital status,
household type, housing occupancy and vacancy
characteristics, value and rent. Also on magnetic
tape at ICPSR.
- STF3A CD-ROM [Entry 24]
- Summary Tape File 3A - 100% and sample data for states, counties,
places, census tracts, and block groups. Documents Center.
- Provides 250 sample population and housing data
variables, including educational attainment, income,
occupation, ancestry, and transportation to work. Also available on
magnetic tape at ICSPR and the Internet
(http://venus.census.gov/cdrom/lookup/). Related
information: maps
and Summary Tape File 3 Variables List.
- STF3B CD-ROM. [Entry 25]
- Summary Tape File 3B - 100% and sample data to
zip code level. Documents Center.
- Provides 250 sample population and housing data variables, including
educational attainment, income, occupation, ancestry, and transportation to
work. Also available on magnetic tape at ICSPR.
See also maps.
- STF3C CD-ROM. [Entry 26]
- Summary Tape File 3C - 100% and sample national data as well as
metropolitan areas, urbanized areas, states, counties, and places of
10,000+. Documents Center.
- Provides 250 sample population and housing data
variables, including educational attainment, income, occupation,
ancestry, and transportation to work. Also available on magnetic tape at
ICSPR and the Internet
- STF3D CD-ROM. [Entry 27]
- Summary Tape File 3D/1D - 100% and sample data for
103rd and 104th Congress
districts. Documents Center.
Provides 250 sample population and housing data
variables, including educational attainment, income,
occupation, ancestry, and transportation to work. Also
available on magnetic tape at ICSPR.
Subject summary tape files are extremely detailed cross-tabulations of population and housing data.
The CD-ROM format was used to complete the Housing Subject Series (entry 10) and Population Subject Series (entry 14). All of the CD-ROMS include technical documentation. The numbering of the housing and population subject reports are intermingled but
segregated for purposes of this bibliography.
Housing Subject Summary Tape Files. [Entry 28]
- Condominium Housing. SSTF18. U.S. and State. (Docs.
- Housing Characteristics of New Units. SSTF9. U.S. and
State. (Docs. Do50)
- Housing of the Elderly. SSTF8. U.S. and State.
(Docs. Do49)
- Metropolitan Housing Characteristics. SSTF7. U.S.,
States, MSAs, and Central Cities. (Docs. Do34)
- Mobile Homes. SSTF10. U.S. and State. (Docs. Do42)
Population Subject Summary Tape Files. [Entry 29]
- Ancestry of the Population. SSTF2. U.S. and State.
(Docs. Do38) Also available on the Internet. http://sunsite.Berkeley.EDU/GovData/info/SSTF2/
- Characteristics of Adults with Work Disabilities, Mobility
Limiations, or Self-Care
Limitations. SSTF4. U.S., State, and MSA. (Docs. Do40)
- Characteristics of American Indians by Tribe and Language.
SSTF13. U.S., State, and MSA. (Docs. Do43)
- Characteristics of the Asian and Pacific Islander Population.
SSTF5. U.S. and State. (Docs. Do41) Also available on the
Internet. http://sunsite.Berkeley.EDU/GovData/info/SSTF5/.
- Characteristics of the Black Population. SSTF21.
U.S., State, MSA. (Docs. Do89)
- Earnings by Occupation and Education. SSTF22. U.S.,
States, and MSAs. (Docs. Do35) Also on the Internet from Oregon State.
- Education in the United States. SSTF6. U.S., Region,
and State. (Docs. Do91)
- Employment Status, Work Experience, and Veteran Status.
SSTF12. U.S. and State. (Docs. Do91)
- Fertility. SSTF16. U.S. and State. (Docs. Do45)
- Foreign-Born
Population in the United States. SSTF1. U.S. and State. (Docs.
Also available on the Internet. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GovData/info/SSTF1/
- Geographic Mobility. SSTF15. State. (Docs. Do72)
- Journey to Work. SSTF20. U.S., CMSA/PMSA, Central
City. (Docs. Do67)
- Occupation and Industry. SSTF14. U.S. and State.
(Docs. Do44)
- Older Population of the United States. SSTF19. U.S.,
Region and State. (Docs. Do93)
- Persons of Hispanic Origin. SSTF3. U.S. and State.
(Docs. Do39) Also available on the Internet http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GovData/info/SSTF3/document.html.
- Poverty Areas in the United States. SSTF17. U.S.,
State, MSA, County, Central City, and Census Tract. (Docs. Do46)
- County-to-County Migration Flows CD-ROM. [Entry 30] (Docs. Do35)
- County data only.
- In-migration and out-migration between county of residence in 1985 and county of residence in 1990.
- EEO CD-ROM. [Entry 31]
- Equal Employment Opportunity Files for the U.S., states, and places of 50,000+. Documents Center.
- Employment for 514 occupations by race/sex and educational
attainment by age/race/sex. Also on magnetic tape at
ICPSR and on the Internet through Census
- PUMS-5% and 1% CD-ROM. [Entry 32]
- Sample microdata to create own tabulations to
Public Use Microdata Sample Areas. CDs available
but software on disk difficult to use.
You may be on your own. Documents Center.
- Better option may be magnetic tape at Ulysses
software developed by CIESIN. Public Data Queries
(http://www.pdq.com/) has made a Beta test of its own PUMS
version available free to the public. The Documents Center has created a
Guide to Using
Explore for PUMS Data
- The Committee on Institutional Cooperation has converted the
technical documentation for the Public Use Microdata Samples to the web.
Included are codebooks, variables, definitions, and a list of Public Use
Microdata Areas for all 50 states. The URL is: http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/cicdoc/pums90.htm.
- PL94-171 CD-ROM. [Entry 33]
- Race and voting age data to block level. Documents Center.
- School District Data Book CD-ROM. [Entry 34]
- School district, state, and U.S. data. Map Library.
- Basic population and housing data with school finance and enrollment
data for each of the nation's school districts. Maps of school
boundaries. Also on the World Wide Web from Oregon State
University as http://www.govinfo.kerr.orst.edu/sddb-stateis.html
- Sample data for the U.S., states, metropolitan areas, counties, and places of
- Approximately 650 variables for the population 65+ with some data for five-year
age groups, 55-84.
Most magnetic tapes are available through the
Inter-University Consortium for Political and
Social Research. Contact the Computer Assistance
Program in the Political Science Department
(763-4582) to access them.
- STF2A. [Entry 36]
- Summary Tape File 2A - cross-tabulated 100%
data to the tract level. ICPSR
- STF2B. [Entry 37]
- Summary Tape File 2B - cross-tabulated 100%
data for places 1000+ ICPSR
- STF2C. [Entry 38]
- Summary Tape File 2C - cross-tabulated 100%
data on a national level. ICPSR
- STF4A. [Entry 39]
- Summary Tape File 4A - cross-tabulated 100% and
sample data to the census tract level. ICPSR
- STF4B. [Entry 40]
- Summary Tape File 4B - cross-tabulated 100% and
sample data for places 2500+ ICPSR
- STF4C. [Entry 41]
- Summary Tape File 4C - cross-tabulated 100% and sample data on a national level. ICPSR
- Census LookUp [Entry 42]
- URL: http://venus.census.gov/cdrom/lookup
Summary Tape File 1A, 1C, 1D, 3A, 3B, 3C,
3D data for the nation, states, counties and places. Census tract and
block group data are available under the State/County option of STF3A.
Block data not available. Alternative server at University
of California/Berkeley
- Earnings by Occupation and Education. [Entry 43]
- URL: http://govinfo.kerr.orst.edu/earn-stateis.html
Employment and earnings for 514 occupations by sex, age, and education or
occupational groups by sex, race, age, and education for the nation, states, and
- EEO CD-ROM. [Entry 44]
- URL: http://censtats.census.gov/eeo/eeo.shtml
Employment for 514 occupations by race/sex and educational
attainment by age/race/sex for states, counties,
and places of 50,000+.
- School District Data Book. [Entry 45]
- URL:
100% and sample census data as well as unique school data
Nation, states and school districts
- American Factfinder. [Entry 46]:
- URL: http://factfinder.census.gov/
Summary Tape File 1 and 3 data for state,
counties, cities, townships, census tracts, block groups, zip codes,
and Congressional Districts. May select more than one type of
geography but difficult to choose more than one subject or all of the
tracts in a given county.
- Census tract maps for Michigan available in paper copy;
maps for other states on ASI microfiche 1993 2551-10. Documents
Center. Maps for all states in pdf format are located on the Census
Bureau web site at http://ftp2.census.gov/geo/maps/trt1990/
- Block group maps for Michigan available in paper copy;
the library does not own maps for other states. Documents Center.
- Block maps available only for Washtenaw and Wayne Counties. Documents Center.
- Use zip code maps in the Graduate Library Reference
Department's collection of microfiche telephone books. Use the phone books closest to 1990 since zip codes often change.
- The Map Library's Wessex/Arcview system can create electronic
maps for states, counties, census tracts, block groups, blocks, and
Congressional Districts of the 103rd Congress and combine them with data.
Call ahead to 764-0407 for a research consultation appointment.
The Graduate Library maintains a complete set of printed Census
reports for all states beginning with 1790. The 1790-1980 reports are
located in the stacks in Basement A, generally under the call number HA
201 .year Census tract maps for 1970 and 1980 are located in the Map
Library. Finding tools include the U.S. Bureau of the Census Catalog
(Doc. Cen. Z 7554 .U5 U535), Suzanne Schulze's Population Information in
Census Volumes, 1790-1980 (Doc. Cen. Z 7164 .D3 S452), and Population and
Housing Inquiries in U.S. Decennial Censuses, 1790-1970 (Doc. Cen. HA 203
.A244 no. 39). The Demographic
on the Documents Center web site lists several Internet sources for hi
storical data, although nothing replaces the paper copy.
The Serials/Microforms Room maintains microfilm of the Census
Schedules (filled out questionnaires) for the State of Michigan.
Material from other states may be borrowed on Inter-Library Loan. The
Library of Michigan maintains microfilm for states east of the
Mississippi River. See Census
for additional information.
The Census Bureau updates some Decennial Census data on a national
and state level through its monthly Current Population Survey. The
resulting printed reports ceased publication circa 1994 and are only
available on the Census Bureau's web site http://www.census.gov/.
Numerous government and non-government reports attempt to update the
Census data at various geographic levels. The Documents Center maintains
a Guide to
Updating the 1990 Census
Publications from the Year 2000 Census are being issued primarily
on the Internet as pre-tabulated data through American
Factfinder (http://factfinder.census.gov/)..will
Additional access points include the Census Bureau and Geolytics CD-ROMS.
There is a separate guide for the 2000 Census at: http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/cen2000.html.
- DOCUMENTS CENTER, 203 Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library, Grace York, Denise Schoene, John
Downey. (734-764-0410)
- Collects 1990 Census printed reports and CD-ROMs for all 50
Maintains the latest Census information on UM-ULIBRARY,
Performs mediated searches of the PUMS 1% file on CIESIN via
appointment. Provides referrals for
non-print information. Houses a large
collection of other U.S. and international statistics.
- Collects all computer tapes from the 1990 Census for all
50 states. Those affiliated with the University of
Michigan can access the tapes through the Computer Assistance
Program of the Political Science Department (763-4582).
ICPSR also maintains a Census Hotline (763-3486) which
its latest acquisitions and a status report on census tapes in the ICPSR Bulletin, available through its gopher server and web servers.
- Collects all reports for Washtenaw County and disseminates
related non-census information.
Staron (517-373-7910)
- Coordinates 1990 Census data dissemination for the State of
Michigan, estimates and projects state population on an annual
basis, and provides access to the school district data files.
- MICHIGAN METROPOLITAN INFORMATION CENTER, Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State University; Kurt Metger, Ruth Waite, (313-577-8359)
- Official tape processing center for machine-readable Census data
Southeast Michigan.
- Specializes in Census and locally-produced data for the Detroit-
Ann Arbor Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area.
- CENSUS BUREAU, DETROIT REGIONAL OFFICE,Vincent Kountz (313-259-1875)
- Provides the latest information on data release, interprets the
data, and conducts workshops.

Corrections to graceyor@umich.edu
Since February 18, 1996 this page has been accessed 
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