Comprehensive Web Listings
Index | No-Frames Version

Last updated on September 25,
- Ranks 300 cities to live by economy, health, crime,
housing, education, weather,leisure, transit, arts
- Arranged by ranking and alphabetically by city
- City pages include a description and relocation information as well
as statistical data on the quality of life and the cost of living
- Interactive interface permits the user to create own
- Michigan cities rated: Ann Arbor, Benton Harbor, Detroit, Flint,
Grand Rapids/Muskegon, Jackson, Kalamazoo/Battle Creek, Lansing, and
Saginaw/Bay City as well as individual Detroit suburbs
- Lists city government, freenet, and public library resources for
community development
- Focus on southeastern Michigan
via Michigan Electronic Library
- Subject approach to information about Michigan business,
education, government, places, travel and weather
- Current directories of Michigan legislators and committee
- Directory of Michigan counties
- Address of county seat, names and phone numbers of key
- Directory of Michigan's fourteen regional planning councils
- Includes a map and contact information
- List of Michigan cities
- Links to travel information by region and to individual city web
pages when available
- Directories of social services in Southeastern Michigan
- Links to Internet information, job postings, and volunteer
opportunities for non-profit agencies
- Registration preferred but guest access available
- Official portal to the state
- Quick links to travel, licensing. health, education, weather, and
- Government section describes three branches and provides quick links
to agencies and officials
- Designed as consumer-oriented guide for citizens
- Information varies between cities but generally covers freenets,
tourism, business, and civic information
- Primary business listings arranged by
- Extensive listings of chambers of commerce, clubs, and
- Some of the most comprehensive listings for county, city, and township
government web sites
- Find federal and state representatives by zip code
- History and laws governing townships in Michigan
- List of townships arranged by county
- Michigan Township Association's educational services, legislative
policy, and publications
- Planning organization for all communities within Livingston,
Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties
- Community
Profiles provides the most current statistical data for
all cities and townships within the region, including
Population and job forecasts to the year 2020
Employment by industry
Residential construction for past three years
Land use summaries
Office, retail, industrial park, mobile home park, and hotel
- Regional
- Covers population, employment, transportation
and environmental (e.g. waste) data for the SEMCOG planning area
- Data available for counties, places, and traffic analysis zones
- Maps for Traffic Analysis Zones appear in American Factfinder
- Interactive
Mapping for land use and transportation improvement with
Internet Explorer

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
Denise Schoene, Documents Center, April 2004
The University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Since March 10, 1996 this page has been accessed 
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