Elections and Politics
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Documents Center >
Michigan >
Elections and Politics

Ballot Proposals |
Candidates and Campaign Finance |
Election Districts |
Election Laws
Issues |
Newspapers |
Results |
Voter Information
Ballot Proposals |
Election Results |
Election Districts |
Newspapers |
Redistricting 2000

Last updated on October 12,
- Frequently-Asked Questions (Secretary of State)
- How to register to vote
- Absentee ballots and voting while outside of the country
- Michigan Voter
Information Center
- Michiganians can search by name or address to determine whether they
are registered to vote and where their voting precinct is located
- Learn how to use voting equipment
- Michigan
Voter Power
- Information on voter registration and absentee ballots
- Definitions of terms
- Link to the Michigan voter guide
- Publius
- Michigan residents can search for their names and then get a sample
ballot to mark prior to a trip to the voting booth
All Candidates
- Michigan
Elections (Michigan Department of State)
- State-wide general and primary election results by district beginning
with the 1994 primaries; registered voters
- Election, campaign, and lobby registration laws
- Filing deadlines, ballot proposals
- Election districts for the various state offices arranged by
- List
of candidates for state offices and their campaign finances
- Voter registration instructions
- Non-Partisan Voting
for Michigan (League of Women Voters)
- Candidates answer questions for all state level races on Nov. 4,
- Includes candidates for governor, the federal and state
legislatures, state courts, university governing boards
- Submissions by lobby groups on the ballot proposals
- Publius
- Type in name; will tell you if you are registered
- Type in name or address for a copy of your own Nov. 4, 2008 ballot
and your
voting place
- Includes federal, state, and local offices and propositions
- Vote 411
- Type in your address for all of the candidates on the ballot
- Under each office, choose two people to compare their positions
- Updated for the 2014 general election
- Summaries
- Michigan Ballot
Proposals (Secretary of State)
- Text of the two proposals and their individual origins (petitions,
bills, etc)
- List of proposals which will not be voted upon for various reasons
- Ballot
Proposals (Citizens' Research Council of Michigan)
- Text of the two ballot proposals, with a summary, analysis, and
actual ballot language
- Official
Candidate List, November 2008 (Secretary of State)
- List of all candidates for federal and state office on the November
4, 2008 ballot
- Includes office, name, party, address
- Campaign Finance
Reporting On-Line (Secy. of State)
- Contributions and expenditures of candidates and their campaign
finance committees as well as the text of submitted documents
- Searchable by committee, ID number, candidate, party and office
- Congressional Candidates (Politics 1)
- List of Michigan Congressional Districts with links to selected primary candidate web sites
State Office
- Official
Candidate List, November 2006 (Secretary of State)
- List of all candidates for federal and state office on the November
4, 2008 ballot
- Governor, state legislature, secretary of state
- Includes office, name, party, address
- Campaign Finance
Reporting On-Line (Secy. of State)
- Contributions and expenditures of candidates and their campaign
finance committees as well as the text of submitted documents
- Searchable by committee, ID number, candidate, party and office
- State
Candidates (Congress.org)
- Links to Michigan House and Senate candidate biographies and their web sites

- Election District Maps
- Maps for the Michigan Senate and House Election districts as well as
Congressional Districts
- 1992 maps show active districts through the 2000 elections
- 2001 maps are active, 2002+
- See also Ballot Proposals
- Gongwer
News Service
- Behind-the-scenes political report on the Michigan Legislature and
- Quotations by legislators and lobbyists made on the floor, in
committee, and in news conferences
- Coverage begins with September 1993
- Searchable by date or keyword
- Single-site password available in Documents Center; ask staff for
- Michigan in Brief
- Analyzes 65 issues likely to come before the State Legislature
- Examples include AIDS, assisted suicide, casinos, civil rights,
crime, firearms, Headlee Amendment, roads, taxes and welfare reform
- Provides background with statistics, pro and con arguments, and web
or address sources for additional information
- Appendices address a variety of non-legislative issues (foundations,
volunteerism, basic statistics and state symbols)
- Economic, political and cultural history of Michigan since the 17th
- Concise but meaty descriptions of state and local government
- Sponsored by the Michigan Nonprofit Association, Council of Michigan
Foundations, and Public Sector Consultants
- Archived copies in Graduate Library stacks since 1986: JK 5801 .M541
- Note: the latest version is 2002/03
- State of
the State Survey
- Michigan public opinion on state government and major issues facing
the state since 1994
- Most data available for download into SPSS programs
- The surveys from October 1994 through July 2002 are also available for
on-line analysis
- Guide

Historical Elections
- A New Nation
Votes: American Election Returns, 1787-1825 (Tufts/American
Antiquarian Society)
- Search for state, county and city election results for federal,
state, and local officials, 1787-1825
- You can search by combinations of states, candidates, office titles,
- This is original research by Philip Lampi from a time when election
records were scattered
- Initiatives
and Referenda, 1964-2005
- List of ballot proposals that were passed or defeated, the data, and
votes for or against
- Appears at the beginning of the Elections chapter of the
Michigan Manual
- Election
Results (Secretary of State)
- Results of statewide ballot proposals since 1998
- CQ Voting
and Elections (UMich Only)
- Browse the Presidential, Congressional, or Gubernatorial sections by state to obtain county or Congressional District election data for Michigan
- Presidential by county: 1920+, presidential primary by state: 1916-24, 1972+;
Congressional district by district: 1832+; gubernatorial by county: 1970+
- Use the very small link on the bottom left frame of the main page to export or download data
- David
Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections
- Maps and tables with Presidential votes since 1860
- Maps outline state electoral votes
- Tables show major and independent presidential and vice presidential
candidates, popular and electoral votes, and percentages for both
- County election data for 1912-2000
- Michigan
- Web versions begin with 1999; paper versions contain the
- Gubernatorial elections by county, ca. 1866+
- Presidential elections by county, ca. 1870+
- State officers election data by county, ca. 1886+
- State house and senate by district as well as Congressional
representatives by
district with corresponding district maps, ca. 1900+
- Stacks: JK 5831 with current in Documents Center and on
the web above
- Republican
Presidential Primary Results: 2000 (Secy of State)
- Presidential primary totals by county and Congressional District
- Includes all candidates and vote totals
- Republican presidential primary held Feb. 22, 2000
- Politics in America
- Approximations of Presidential vote by Congressional District found under each individual district, 1972-1996; under state for the 2000 election
- Grad Stacks: JK 1010 .P76 with current issue in Documents
- PoliData
- PRESIDENTIAL and Congressional election results by district,
- Election Precinct Search (Secretary of State)
- Search for results of Congressional, Presidential and state races by county or
- General election, 1998+
- Republican
Presidential Primary Results (Secy of State)
- Presidential primary totals by county and Congressional District
- Includes all candidates and vote totals
- Republican presidential primary held Feb. 22, 2000
- Washtenaw County Clerk: 1980+
- Statewide election results by precinct
- Local election results for schools and communities begin at various times

- CQ Voting
and Elections (UMich Only)
- Browse the Presidential, Congressional, or Gubernatorial sections by state to obtain county or Congressional District election data for Michigan
- Presidential by county: 1920+, presidential primary by state: 1916-24, 1972+;
Congressional district by district: 1832+; gubernatorial by
county: 1970+
- Use the very small link on the bottom left frame of the main page to export or download data
- Michigan
General Election Results by County: 2002 (Secretary of State)
- Shows election results of statewide races by county
- Includes governor, attorney general, secretary of state, state
university governing boards and judges
- Data for U.S. Congressional Representatives arranged by
district and then county, as applicable
- HTML format only
- Michigan General
Election Results: 1998 (Secretary of State)
- Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, University regents,
ballot proposals, State Senate and House, judges, Congress
- County totals for statewide offices; district totals for Congress as well as the state house and senate
- Governor's Race
Spreadsheet (UMich)
- Spreadsheet of total and party votes for governor by county
- 1994 and 1998 data
- Michigan
- Web versions begin with 1999; paper versions contain the
- Gubernatorial elections by county, ca. 1866+
- Presidential elections by county, ca. 1870+
- State officers election data by county, ca. 1886+
- State house and senate by district as well as Congressional
by district with corresponding district maps, ca. 1900+
- Stacks: JK 5831 with current in Documents Center and
the web above
- Gubernatorial Votes by
County, 1854-1918
- Data digitized by Shevon Desai from the Michigan Manual,

- Clerk of the House
- Historical data includes national electoral college results since the
1st Congress, Presidential and Senatorial election results by state and
House by district since 1920
- Data on the political divisions in Congress since the 34th
- CQ Voting
and Elections (UMich Only)
- Browse the Presidential, Congressional, or Gubernatorial sections by state to obtain county or Congressional District election data for Michigan
- Presidential by county: 1920+, presidential primary by state: 1916-24, 1972+;
Congressional district by district: 1832+; gubernatorial by county: 1970+
- Use the very small link on the bottom left frame of the main page to export or download data
- Michigan
General Election Results by County: 2002 (Secretary of State)
- Shows election results of statewide races by county
- Includes governor, attorney general, secretary of state, state
university governing boards and judges
- Data for U.S. Congressional Representatives arranged by
district and then county, as applicable
- HTML format only
- Michigan General
Election Results: 1998 (Secretary of State)
- Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, University regents,
ballot proposals, State Senate and House, judges, Congress
- County totals for statewide offices; district totals for Congress as well as the state house and senate
- Michigan Manual
- Gubernatorial elections by county, ca. 1866+
- Presidential elections by county, ca. 1870+
- State officers election data by county, ca. 1886+
- State house and senate by district as well as Congressional representatives by
district with corresponding district maps, ca. 1900+
- Stacks: JK 5831 with current in Documents Center and on the web above
- Election Precinct Search (Secretary of State)
- Search for results of Congressional, Presidential and state races by county or
- General election, 1998+
- Washtenaw County Clerk: 1980+
- Statewide election results by precinct
- Local election results for schools and communities begin at various times

State Legislature
- Michigan
General Election Results by County: 2002 (Secretary of State)
- Shows election results of statewide races by county
- Includes governor, attorney general, secretary of state, state
university governing boards and judges
- Data for U.S. Congressional Representatives arranged by
district and then county, as applicable
- State Senators and Representatives by legislative district
- HTML format only
- Michigan General
Election Results: 1998 (Secretary of State)
- Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, University regents,
ballot proposals, State Senate and House, judges, Congress
- County totals for statewide offices; district totals for Congress as well as the state house and senate
- Michigan Manual
- Gubernatorial elections by county, ca. 1866+
- Presidential elections by county, ca. 1870+
- State officers election data by county, ca. 1886+
- State house and senate by district as well as Congressional representatives by
district with corresponding district maps, ca. 1900+
- Stacks: JK 5831 with current in Documents Center and on the web above
- Election Precinct Search (Secretary of State)
- Search for results of Congressional, Presidential and state races by county or
- General election, 1998+
- Washtenaw County Clerk: 1980+
- Statewide election results by precinct
- Local election results for schools and communities begin at various times

Other State Office
- Michigan
General Election Results by County: 2002 (Secretary of State)
- Shows election results of statewide races by county
- Includes governor, attorney general, secretary of state, state
university governing boards and judges
- Data for U.S. Congressional Representatives arranged by
district and then county, as applicable
- HTML format only
- Michigan General
Election Results: 1998 (Secretary of State)
- Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, University regents,
ballot proposals, State Senate and House, judges, Congress
- County totals for statewide offices; district totals for Congress as well as the state house and senate
- Michigan Manual
- Gubernatorial elections by county, ca. 1866+
- Presidential elections by county, ca. 1870+
- State officers election data by county, ca. 1886+
- State house and senate by district as well as Congressional representatives by
district with corresponding district maps, ca. 1900+
- Stacks: JK 5831 with current in Documents Center and on the web above
- Election Precinct Search (Secretary of State)
- Search for results of Congressional, Presidential and state races by county or
- General election, 1998+
- Washtenaw County Clerk: 1980+
- Statewide election results by precinct
- Local election results for schools and communities begin at various times

Local Elections

- Election
District Maps
- Maps for the Michigan Senate and House Election districts as well as
Congressional Districts
- 1992 maps show active districts through the 2000 elections
- 2001 maps are active, 2002+
- Michigan
- Gubernatorial elections by county, ca. 1866+
- Presidential elections by county, ca. 1870+
- State officers election data by county, ca. 1886+
- State house and senate by district as well as Congressional
representatives by
district with corresponding district maps, ca. 1900+
- Stacks: JK 5831 with current in Documents Center and on
the web above
- Public
Act 115 of 2001 (S.B. 546)
- Final redistricting plan for the 2002 elections
- No maps but specifies districts by place and census tract, even
- Redistricting
2001: Rules
of the Game (Michigan State University)
- Slide show outlining the rules and schedule for Congressional
redistricting in Michigan
- Addresses the margin of latitude on equal representation and how
existing voting districts can be split
- Slides can be addressed individually or through a self-running slide
- Based on a seminar conducted by the Institute of Public Policy and
and Social Research

- Gongwer
News Service
- Behind-the-scenes political report on the Michigan Legislature and
- Quotations by legislators and lobbyists made on the floor, in
committee, and in news conferences
- Coverage begins with September 1993
- Searchable by date or keyword
- Single-site password available in Documents Center; ask staff for
- Michigan in Brief
- Analyzes 65 issues likely to come before the State Legislature
- Examples include AIDS, assisted suicide, casinos, civil rights,
crime, firearms, Headlee Amendment, roads, taxes and welfare reform
- Provides background with statistics, pro and con arguments, and web
or address sources for additional information
- Appendices address a variety of non-legislative issues (foundations,
volunteerism, basic statistics and state symbols)
- Economic, political and cultural history of Michigan since the 17th
- Concise but meaty descriptions of state and local government
- Sponsored by the Michigan Nonprofit Association, Council of Michigan
Foundations, and Public Sector Consultants
- Archived copies in Graduate Library stacks since 1986: JK 5801 .M541
- State of
the State Survey
- Michigan public opinion on state government and major issues facing
the state since 1994
- Most data available for download into SPSS programs
- The surveys from October 1994 through July 2002 are also available for
on-line analysis
- Guide

- Good source for a discussion of the issues and local election data
- Access World News Bank (UMich Only)
- Full text of Michigan newspapers
- Ann Arbor News, 2004+
- Battle Creek Enquirer, 2002+
- Detroit Free Press, 1982+
- Detroit News, 1999+
- Flint Journal, 1995+
- Grand Rapids Press, 2002+
- Huron Daily Tribune, 2001+
- Lansing State Journal, 1999+
- Marlette Leader, 2005+
- Midland Daily News, 2002+
- Saginaw News, 1998+
- Times Herald (Port Huron, MI), 1999+
- Vassar Pioneer Times, 2005+
- Detroit Free Press
- Full text of current issue only
- Issues from 1982 also available to University of Michigan affiliates through Newsbank
- Full text on microfilm (FILM X442)in the Graduate Library since 1832
- Detroit
- Lead metro, state, national, and international news
- Editorials, sports, cartoons, lottery numbers, death notices
- Archive begins with July 23, 1995
- Keyword index available for back files
American Newspapers has the full text of the Detroit News since
- Also on CD-ROM
since 1991 in the Serials Room
- Not covered by Academic Universe
- Michigan Daily
- University of Michigan student newspaper
- Daily and archived political coverage
- Searchable since 2001
- Full text and index also available on Lexis-Nexis Academic (UMich Only)
- Current day's coverage with a week or two of archiving
- Ann Arbor News, Bay City Times, Flint Journal, Grand Rapids Press, Jackson
Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette, Lansing Bureau, Muskegon Chronicle, Saginaw News
- Michigan Local
News (MEL)
- Most comprehensive list of current Michigan newspapers on the
- State Newspapers
(Politics 1)
- Lists local newspapers and media outlets not found above

Individual Political Parties

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
Denise Schoene, Documents Center, April 2004
The University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Since March 10, 1996 this page has been accessed 
[an error occurred while processing this directive]