Statistical Resources on the Web
Labor and Employment
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Last updated on March 13,
United States Data
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Press releases on employment and unemployment, earnings, employment
cost index, consumer prices, producer prices, productivity, collective
bargaining, and union membership
- Time series on employment, prices, and productivity
- The Data option under the main web page
is arranged by various retrieval options; these options are
subdivided by subject
- Use the Search option for a subject approach to
various retrieval options
- Web pages which combine all retrieval options include
Handbook of Methods
- History and methodology of labor force, employment,
earnings, productivity, safety, and price index data
- Available in HTML or Adobe Acrobat format
- Monthly Labor
- Full text of articles on labor topics and legislation beginning 1997
- Report on the
American Workforce
- Annual report with in-depth focus on different issues (e.g. "just
in time" supplies, work time v. leisure time)
- Appendix summarizes employment, unemployment, and earnings data on a
national level
- HTML interface with pdf text
- Census Bureau
- Data Ferret
- Data sets from the Current
Population Survey and Survey of Income and Program
Participation for easy or expert manipulation
- Surveys update and enhance the Decennial Census with national, state,
and metropolitan area information
- Subjects include income, poverty, employment, education, health
insurance, housing, aging, household and marital status
- Income, poverty and health insurance were the trial data sets as of
May 31, 1997
- Economic
Development Web Site (UMinn)
- Charts compare national data sources (County Business Patterns, REIS,
BLS) for subject coverage of employment and earnings factors and for
- Links to state economic development data
- Principles of economic development and data analysis
- Key Workplace
Documents (Cornell School of Labor and Industrial Relations)
- Unpublished government data on labor
- Full text of labor commission reports beginning with the 1990s
- Includes the Commission on Family and Medical Leave, plant closings,
retirement policy, etc.
- FedStats
- Comprehensive listing to statistical programs of over 70 federal
government agencies
- Arranged by agency or program; includes explanatory material and contacts
- Search engine indexes individual statistical tables
by keyword or agency and provides direct connection
- Futurework:
Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st Century
(Dept. of Labor)
- Outlines future workforce demographics, compensation, work and the
workplace conditions, technology and globalization, and implications of
workplace changes
- Data interwoven with text
- Separate tables on drug use in the workplace, occupational
projections to 2006, and trends in pensions and health insurance
- Monthly Labor
Review (BLS)
- Full text of articles on labor and legislation since January 1997
- Sample topics include youth employment, state unemployment
compensation legislation, and measuring the producer price index
- Statistics incorporated into articles
- Searchable subject index since 1991
- National Longitudinal
Survey (Ohio State Univ)
- Annotated bibliography of reports from the National Longitudinal
Surveys of Labor Market Experience, 1968-96
- Reports cover statistical data on various age groups of the population
- Searchable by author, title, subject, citation, and cohort (e.g.
young men, mature women)
- Citations are extensive but do not provide the data on-line
- State
of the Cities
- Central city and metropolitan area data for over 300 areas in the U.S.
- 1970, 1980 and 1990 Census data includes population, housing,
occupation, income, education, poverty, race, and family characteristics
- Some data from 2000 Census
- Labor force and unemployment data since 1990
- Central city and metropolitan area data from County Business Patterns
for 4-digit SIC industries
- Choose file, then area, and then data table
- Statistical
Universe (UMich Only)
- Indexes and abstracts federal government statistics since 1974;
business, association and state government data since 1980, and
international agencies since 1983
- Access through the Search Abstracts menu
- Delimiters include Boolean operators and numerous proximity
indicators, frequency, and comparative data (by city, by foreign
country, by age, by disease)
- Sample Search: unemployment and by
- About 15% of the abstracts link to full text
- For items not hot-linked:
- Write down abstract number (e.g. ASI 1997 9391-7) and bring to
the Documents Center for the microfiche version or search USA Gov for an online version
- Upjohn
Institute Employment Research Data Center
- Conducts research for Dept. of Labor on labor force issues
- Summarizes results of various surveys: continuous longitudinal
manpower survey, persons who exhaust unemployment insurance benefits,
lifelong learning, job corps
- Data available free-of-charge from Upjohn upon request
- CityTownInfo
- Detailed entries for 20,000 U.S. cities provide everything from area
codes, time zones, latitude and longitude to ancestry of the population
- Compares population, income, housing and crime to the state
- Includes political contributions, lists of high schools, travel
highlights, mortgage rates
- Separate section for many of the cities with their most popular
professions and corresponding annual salary ranges
- EPI Data Zone
- Current labor market, family income, price, wage, GDP, foreign trade,
and federal deficit data
- Historical annual figures on wages and income with some data since
- Executive
Compensation Disclosure
- Salaries of the chief executive officers trading on the stock exchange
- Includes salaries, bonuses, stock options and other benefits
- Searchable by industry of individual company
- Executive
Paywatch (AFL-CIO)
- Salaries and perks of top Chief Executive Officers
- Users can determine the length of time to earn a given salary
compared to their current salaries
- Federal Times
- Federal pay rates for U.S. cities searchable by GS level
- U.S. and foreign per diem pay rates for travellers
- Announcements of civil service jobs
- Job Smart Salary
- Annotated links to over 150 salary surveys on the internet
- Includes 30 professional occupations
- Minimum
Wage (Dept. of Labor)
- Employer and employee information on implementing the 1996 minimum
wage law
- Current minimum wage by state and table for implementing the new wage
- National Compensation
- Hourly salaries for wide range of individual occupations by various
experience levels and private v. public employers
- Annual or biennial data for large metropolitan areas
- Text and Adobe Acrobat format
- Occupational Employment
Statistics (BLS)
- National data provides numbers employed as well as median and mean
hourly earnings for 760 occupations
- State data provides somewhat less occupational detail
- Includes Standard Occupational Classification and proposed changes
- Program new with 1996 survey
- Occupational
Outlook Handbook (BLS)
- Description of various occupations, typical duties
- Employment and salary prospects
Relocation Salary Calculator
- Type in your current salary as well as your current city and new
city codes to determine the salary needed in your new location
- Not available as of February 21, 2007
- 400 Richest Americans
- Richest people in United States searchable by worth, state, age,
industry, and marital status
- The World's Billionaires
- Richest people in the world searchable by name, country, and
Enforcement Statistics
- National data on employment discrimination by type (age, disability,
race, sex)
- Separate section provides dispute resolution by type of
- EPI Data Zone
- Current labor market, family income, price, wage, GDP, foreign trade,
and federal deficit data
- Historical annual figures on wages and income with some data since
- Economic Time Series
(Ted Bos)
- Monthly national, state and metropolitan labor force, unemployment, and
unemployment rate data since the 1970s
- National data includes employment by industry
- ASCII format for easy viewing
- Local Area
Unemployment Statistics (BLS)
- Current press releases on national, state and metropolitan area
- Selective Access has employment and
unemployment data for local areas (states, counties, metropolitan areas,
and cities) since mid-1980s
- Choose "not seasonally adjusted" and follow series of menus
- Local Employment
Dynamics (Census Bureau)
- Quarterly data since 1997 on employment, job creation, job loss, and
monthly earnings
- Geography: counties and large cities in 25 states
- Michigan data is due no later than October 2007
- Links to data sources for low wage work, transportation, pensions, and
- Mass Layoffs
- Layoffs by state and industry since 1995
- Includes unemployment insurance and reasons for layoff (e.g. natural
disaster, model change, parts shortage
- Some analysis of plants moving overseas
- Julian Samora Research
Institute (Michigan State Univ)
- Numerous on-line research studies on the social, economic, and health
conditions of Latinos in the United States
- Special focus on the Midwest, including data on migrant workers and
Latino history in Michigan
- Alphabetic and Classified Indexes of Industries and Occupations (Census Bureau)
- Alphabetic lists of occupation provide their Census code as well as SOC code
- Classified index is arranged by Census code but cross links back to Standard Occupation Manual
- Indexes of industry provide their Census Bureau code and link to the NAICS code
- Dictionary of
Occupational Titles
- Alphabetic index to Labor Department's list of official occupational
- Provides numeric code for occupation but not a description
- Occupational
Classification System Manual (BLS)
- Classification manual for use with BLS statistical programs
- Arranged by occupation group and subgroup with brief descriptions of
- Links to the Census Bureau's 1990 Index of Occupations
- Standard Occupation
Classification (BLS)
- Occupational classification defined by U.S. Department of Labor
- Includes detailed structure and search engine
- The Census Bureau employs a different variation for its publications
- National
Occupational Mortality Surveillance (NIOSH)
- Description of database with microdata of mortality by cause,
occupation, and demographic characteristics
- Original source material for occupational suicide
- The
Straight Dope for April 21, 2001 suggests the highest
suicide rate is among dentists
- Check the journal literature, and particularly the medical
journal literature, for additional information
- Osh.Net
- Extensive and organized guide to occupational health and safety
- Annotated links to web sites on occupational safety, industrial
hygiene, environmental management
- Includes laws and regulations on product safety, workers
compensation, whistleblowing, personal injuries
- Safety and Health
Statistics (BLS)
- Occupational illness (e.g. stress), injuries and fatalies for the
nation by detailed type of illness, location, and industry
- State data less detailed by industry
- Workplace Injury and
Illness Statistics (OSHA)
- Non-fatal illness and injury since 1992 by detailed industry
- Census of Fatal Injuries by occupation, industry, and worker
- Types of injuries by industry and days of work loss
- Unemployment
- Weekly unemployment insurance claims with national data back to 1967
and state data for past four weeks
- Comparison of methods of claim
- State tax unemployment insurance rates
- Benefits paid
- Directory of National Unions and Employee
- Graduate Library: HD6504 .A3
- Issues for 1971-79 have state membership data broken down by AFL-CIO,
other national and local unions, professional and state, and local
- Fast Facts on
Union Membership (AFL-CIO)
- Current union membership by state
- Membership by industry, social characteristics
- Salaries of union members
- Labor
Research Association
- National labor union membership since 1946
- Current state and city union membership
- Labor Unions and the Internet
- Outstanding guide for all aspects of labor unions
- Annotated links to statistical material on wages, benefits, collective
bargaining, cost of living, strikes
- Non-statistical links to individual unions, labor history, organizing
unions, company information, online newsletters
- Union
- Wages and occupation by union affiliation
- Includes annual press release of union membership and salary by age, sex,
race, occupation or industry
- Unionstats
(Univ. of San Antonio)
- Authoritative data base of union membership statistics from
various federal agencies
- National data on union membership since 1973 and state data since 1983
for the U.S., states, and metropolitan areas
- All segments break membership down by public, private, private
construction and private manufacturing unions
- U.S. Union Sourcebook
- Business Administration Library HD6508 .T86
- National data on union membership, 1897-1983, and state data,
- Women's Bureau (U.S. Labor
- Statistics and Data includes charts on
leading and nontraditional occupations for women and women's earnings as
a percent of men's
- Library includes press releases and fact
sheets on women workers
- Working
Women (AFL-CIO)
- Statistics on women's employment and benefits
- Annual survey on salaries, hours, benefits, and working women's concerns
- Union legislative priorities
- Analysis of labor issues, types of employment, women in the workforce
- Statistics on employment by industry, weekly earnings, and
- For older reports or countries not covered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
- Search Abstracts in Statistical
Universe (UMich Only) for foreign labor trends
and name of country
- MIRLYN for paper
copy: "foreign labor trends" and "name of country"
- Ranks countries on percent of women in professional, managerial, or
Parliamentary positions as well as earned income
- Part of 2006 UNDP Human Development
- Organizational information and Director General speeches
- Press releases on such subjects as child labor, salaries, and
occupational safety; some statistics included
- Catalog of ILO publications
- Interactive data base of labor statistics beginning 1969
- Choose country, time period and variables
- Includes employment and unemployment by age and sex or occupation
- Labor strikes, wages
- May have been discontinued as a free data base; Dec. 6,
- Indexes and abstracts federal government statistics since 1974;
business, association and state government data since 1980, and
international agencies since 1983
- Access through the Search Menu menu
- Delimiters include Boolean operators and numerous proximity
indicators, frequency, and comparative data (by city, by foreign
country, by age, by disease)
- Sample Search: unemployment and by
- About 15% of the abstracts link to full text
- For items not hot-linked:
- Write down abstract number (e.g. ASI 1997 9391-7) and bring to
the Documents Center for the microfiche version
- Search USA Gov
for an online version
- Charts and graphs on the inequality of industrial wages (rich and
poor) around the world
- Some spreadsheet data since 1963
- Maps on inquality changes since 1972
- Working papers and links
- Hundreds of data elements for almost all countries, 1946+ present
- Subjects include agriculture, economics, health, prices, men and
women, education, labor, development assistance, environment
- Basic View allows
selection of single data series for up to 10 countries for 20 years
- Advanced View supports multiple series, years, and countries with
downloading capability into Excel, ASCII, or CSV formats
- Web site includes definitions, sources of the data, and a topical list
- Executive summary of the 1995 World Development Report
- Statistics integrated into text; the statistical tables appearing at
the back of the printed publication are not included
- World Bank data base with 593 series of demographic, economic, and
environmental information for 226 countries
- Time series covers 1960 to present when annual data are available
for a
given country
- Choose countries or groups of countries
- Choose series with the tree or alphabetical view
- Choose years
- Once you view the data, choose the orientation (columns or rows),
options, display (chart, index, raw)
- Download into ASCII or Excel format
Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
University of Michigan Library
Ankur Mehta, Documents Assistant, May 2002
Sara Wedell, Documents Assistant, February 2007
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Since December 29, 1996 this page has been accessed
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