Hoyt Bleakley

Department of Economics
University of Michigan

Contact Info:

Electronic mail: hoytb [at] umich [dot] edu
Web page: www-personal.umich.edu/~hoytb
Office: 215 Lorch Hall.
Postal address: 611 Tappan Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220.
Telephone: 734-763-9237.

Curriculum Vitae

Recent Working Papers

The Economic Effects of American Slavery: Tests at the Border. NBER Working Paper 32640, June 2024 (with Paul Rhode). Appendices

Was Free Soil Magic Dirt? Endowments versus Institutions in the Antebellum United States, December 2023. (with Paul Rhode)


Mind the Gap: Years of Schooling and Fiscal Externalities in Nepal,. World Bank Economic Reviewm 2023, 37(4, November): 659-74 (with Bhanu Gupta). (Earlier working paper.)

De Tocqueville, Population Movements, and Revealed Institutional Preferences. Journal of Historical Political Economy, 2023, 3(2, July): 179-210 (with Paul Rhode).

Adapting to the Weather: Lessons from U.S. History. Journal of Economic History, Volume 77, Issue 3 September 2017, pp. 756-795. (With Sok Chul Hong.)

Shocking Behavior: Random Wealth in Antebellum Georgia and Human Capital Across Generations, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016, 131(3): 1455-1495. (With Joseph Ferrie.) (Online-only Appendix; Earlier working paper)

Thick-Market Effects and Churning in the Labor Market: Evidence from U.S. Cities. Journal of Urban Economics, September-November 2012, 72:2-3, pp. 87-103. (With Jeffrey Lin.)

Portage and Path Dependence. Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 2012, volume 127, pp. 587-644. (With Jeffrey Lin.)

Maturity Mismatch and Financial Crises: Evidence from Emerging Market Corporations. Journal of Development Economics, 93 (2010), pp. 189-205. (With Kevin Cowan.)

Malaria Eradication in the Americas: A Retrospective Analysis of Childhood Exposure. American Economic Journal: Applied, April 2010, 2(2):1-45.

Age at Arrival, English Proficiency, and Social Assimilation Among U.S. Immigrants. American Economic Journal: Applied, January 2010, 2(1):165-192. (With Aimee Chin.)

Chronic Disease Burden and the Interaction of Education, Fertility and Growth. Review of Economics and Statistics. February 2009, 91:1. (With Fabian Lange. Blurb in U of C Magazine.)

Corporate Dollar Debt and Devaluations: Much Ado About Nothing? Review of Economics and Statistics, November 2008. (With Kevin Cowan.)

What Holds Back the Second Generation? The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants. Journal of Human Resources. Spring 2008. (With Aimee Chin. Media mentions: New York Times, Voice of America, and U of C Magazine.)

Disease and Development: Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the American South, Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2007. Corrigenda.

Language Skills and Earnings: Evidence from Childhood Immigrants. Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2004, 86(2):481-496. (With Aimee Chin.)

Descalce de plazos y crisis financiera: evidencias en las empresas de America Latina Perspectivas: Analisis de temas criticos para el desarrollo sostenible, December 2003, 1(2):9-28.

New Data on Worker Flows During Business Cycles, New England Economic Review, July/August 1999. (With Ann Ferris and Jeffrey Fuhrer. Summarized in the Regional Review and the Monthly Labor Review. Unpublished data on flows among EUN.)

Shifts in the Beveridge Curve, Job Matching, and Labor Market Dynamics. New England Economic Review, September/October 1997. (With Jeffrey Fuhrer. Summarized in the Monthly Labor Review.)

Book Chapters, Summary Pieces, Comments, & Opinion Pieces

"Health, Disease and Sanitation in American Economic History," forthcoming 2018, in the Oxford Handbook of American Economic History, Louis Cain, Price Fishback, and Paul W. Rhode (eds.). (With Louis Cain and Sok Chul Hong.)

Robots, Rebels, and Railroads. Journal of Economic History, Volume 77, Issue 2 June 2017, pp. 537-543. (Introduction to 2016 Allan Nevins Prize Competition of the Economic History Association.)

History and the Sizes of Cities, American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), 105(5): 558-63, with Jeffrey Lin. 2015. (Draft version as Phila. Fed Working Paper 15-06 (Jan 2015) is here.)

"Amidst Poverty and Prejudice: Black and Irish Civil War Veterans," in Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development, Avner Greif, Lynne Keisling, John V.C. Nye (eds.), 2015. (With Louis Cain and Joseph Ferrie. Festschrift volume for Joel Mokyr.)

"Health, Education and Income in the United States, 1820-2000," in Human Capital in History: The American Record, Boustan, Frydman, and Margo (eds). 2014, with Dora Costa and Adriana Lleras-Muney. Earlier version available as NBER Working Paper 19162.

"Child Health and Educational Outcomes." Chapter 4 of Education Policy in Developing Countries, Glewwe, Paul (ed.), 2013, University of Chicago Press. (With Harold Alderman.)

The Effects of English Proficiency among Childhood Immigrants: Are Hispanics Different? 2011. (with Mevlude Akbulut and Aimee Chin) In Latinos and the Economy: Integration and Impact in Schools, Labor Markets, and Beyond, Leal, David L.; Trejo, Stephen J. (Eds.).

Health, Human Capital, and Development, Annual Reviews of Economics, 2010, 2:283--310. Erratum.

Economic Effects of Childhood Exposure to Tropical Disease, American Economic Review (Paper and Proceedings), May 2009.

When Does Improving Health Raise GDP? Comments on Ashraf, Lester, and Weil, NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 2009. (Prepublication version here. Reference to this comment and to some of my other work in The Economist.)

Deworming and development: asking the right questions, asking the questions right, PLOS/NTD, January 2009. (Lead authors: Don Bundy and Michael Kremer; other authors: Matthew Jukes, Edward Miguel.)

Op/Ed on Deworming in the Chicago Tribune. (With Miriam Wasserman.)

Comments on Acemoglu and Johnson's "Disease and Development". Presented at the NBER EFG meetings, July 18, 2006.

Disease and Development: Evidence from the American South. Journal of the European Economic Association, April-May 2003 1(2-3):376-386.

Older Working Papers

Longevity, Education, and Income: How Large is the Triangle? BREAD Working Paper 532, January 2018 (also NBER Working Paper 24247, January 2018).

Up from Poverty? The 1832 Cherokee Land Lottery and the Long-run Distribution of Wealth, NBER Working Paper 19175, October 2013. (With Joe Ferrie.)

Land Openings on the Georgia Frontier and the Coase Theorem in the Short and Long Runs, January 2014. (With Joe Ferrie.)

When the Race between Education and Technology Goes Backwards: The Postbellum Decline of White School Attendance in the Southern US. April 2013. (With Sok Chul Hong.)


Economic Development, ECON 461 (undergraduate), University of Michigan, 2016--.

Human Capital in Historical Perspective, ECON 664 (Ph.D.), University of Michigan, 2015--.

Economic Development, ECON 665 (Ph.D.), University of Michigan, 2015--.

Economic and Historical Perspectives on Business Ethics, Business 38114 / Economics 22300/32300, University of Chicago, 2013. (Co-taught with Robert Fogel.)

Population and the Economy, Business 33470 / Economics 22500/32200, University of Chicago, 2012. (Co-taught with Robert Fogel.)

Microeconomics, Business 33001 (MBA level), Chicago Booth, 2006--2011.

Economic Issues in Latin America, ECON 161 (undergraduate), UCSD, Fall 2003.

Finance and Development, ECON 240/211A (Ph.D.), UCSD, Fall 2003.

Graphical summaries of some of my work, suitable for the classroom. (Explanation: I get occasional requests for copies of my presentations for others to use in their teaching. Feel free to use these. If you would like more detailed versions, please send me an email.) Followups on the effect of hookworm and malaria eradication campaigns on human capital. Language skills and later-life outcomes for childhood immigrants.

Hyperlinks to past and present affiliations

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