This is an explanation of some of the more tricky html that is used on this site in case you wondered how its done...
/ c h a n g i n g / b a c k g r o u n d / c o l o r / o n m o u s e o v e r /
How did I do this? ![]()
(move your mouse cursor over the images)
I implemented the following html to do the "Lights on", "Lights out" thing found on the main page...but, theres lots of stuff you could do with this html with a little creativity...Ok, to make the page background change colors when someone puts their mouse cursor over an image, you can do this:
<a href="ANYWHERE" onmouseover="document.bgColor='COLOR_TO_CHANGE_TO'"><img src="IMAGE_SOURCE" border="0" alt="WHATEVER"></a>
E X A M P L E S (for Rachel) • Here's what the above does when ANYWHERE="", COLOR_TO_CHANGE_TO='#000070', IMAGE_SOURCE="lightson.jpg", and alt="Hi"...that looks like this:
<a href="" onmouseover="document.bgColor='#000070'"><img src="lightson.jpg" border="0" alt="Hi"></a>
(move your mouse cursor over the image)
• Now, you probably want something to change the color back to black...well, this time i will use "onclick", instead of "onmouseover", take out the "href" statement, and make COLOR_TO_CHANGE_TO='#000000' you will have to click the image to change the background color...this wont work for netscape users, but who cares about them it is:
<a onclick="document.bgColor='#000000'"><img src="lightson.jpg" border="0" alt="Click me">
• You don't have to use an image to change the background color, you could just do this:
<a href="" onmouseover="document.bgColor='#999999'">Touch Me</a>
Touch Me (move your mouse cursor over the link)
Here is one of the many complaints i have about order to use the "onmouseover" property, you must also include the "href" property....well, what if you want to use "onmouseover" on something and not have it be a link to anything?
/ c h a n g i n g / i m a g e s / o n m o u s e o v e r /
How did I do this? (move your mouse cursor over the image)
Questions? my email: ![]()