Fantasy and Science FictionI've been reading SF since the (19)40's and find
I agree with
the Panshins' claim that it's the true mythology of the twentieth
century. I'm far more fond of the written than the filmic versions; but
that's just old-farthood, no doubt.
In Tonio Roque's words:
I pledge allegiance to the form
of science fiction and fantasy
and to the promise for which it stands:
one world,
genetically engineered,
with Internet access for all.
BUCCONEER: The 56th Annual World Science Fiction
Which was held
August 5th through 9th, 1998, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Earth.
Science Fiction is unusual among literary genres in that it
holds annual
World Conventions, at which thousands of fen [plural of
fan] and their favorite
authors (or auteurs) mingle.
Great fun and highly recommended.
Here are 1998 Hugo Awards from Bucconeer.
"He's faster than a speeding bullet. He's more powerful than a locomotive. He's able to leap tall buildings at a single
bound. Why can't he get a girl?"
Finally, somebody put together the linguistic science that science fiction
writers need to know to make up languages reasonably. Good advice, and
a pretty good introduction to linguistic analysis.
Times, an annotated hotlist maintained by Jutta Degener, a graduate
student in Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin.
Well-named, with an incredible amount of useful (and extremely amusing)
information. I've stolen lots of links from it.
Lists... (one wonders whether HTML should be considered a List Processing Language)
The List of Lists, from Lawrence Livermore Lab. Might as well see where the US Atomic Weapons budget is being spent.