Orion and the Conqueror
Ben Bova
Tor Books (1995)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812523768
USA  English
John O'Ryan is Orion--more than human, less than a god, cast away on the seas of Time to do battle among the Creators for the future of mankind.

Now the eternal warrior finds himself separated from his great love, Anya, and marooned in Macedonia under the reign of Phillip--fighting alongside the young Alexander, and at the mercy of a Queen Olympias who is far more than she seems.

Product Details
Dewey 813
Series Orion
Cover Price $5.99
No. of Pages 352
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1994
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Monarch Books
Purchase Price $4.96
Purchase Date 12/11/2009
Owner John
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