Orion in the Dying Time
Ben Bova
Tor Books (1991)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780812514292
USA  English
A sequel to "Orion" and "Vengeance of Orion". At the end of the Cretaceous Period, Earth is in the grip of the dinosaurs. Their leader is a reptile, worshipped by the Egyptians as a powerful god for thousands of years. His mission is to destroy the Creators - Orion's masters - and rule the planet.
Product Details
Dewey 813
Series Orion
Cover Price $4.99
No. of Pages 368
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1990
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/21/2010)
Store Monarch Books
Purchase Price $1.79
Purchase Date 12/11/2009
Owner John
Links Amazon
Third Orion book. Bova is retelling or reinventing mythological tales in an SF context. Orion is created by The Golden One, a.k.a Apollo, Aten, and maybe some other names, to be one of the creators weapons to keep or make history fall in line, so that humans come into existence and eventually evolve into the creators. So there is some time travel elements in the story as well.

In this book, Orion is sent back to pre-egyption days to try to defeat Set. Set happens to be a lizard like being from a doomed planet that orbits the planet Sheol. Sheol is a red star a binary companion to our sun. At this point it's about to go Nova. By our time is has died and that's why we no longer see it.

The book was fun to read. I remember really liking the first book, Orion, immensely, and the second Vengeance of Orion not that much. I can't really remember those stories, one of them had to do with Neanderthals. This one was in between, it never hit any lulls, but only rarely did it excite me. Still it was a good change of pace from the last book I read.