Unfinished Portrait
Agatha Christie
Dell Books (1982)
In Collection
Paperback 9780440192176
USA  English
Bereft of the three people she has held most dear - her mother, her husband and her daughter - Celia is on the verge of suicide. Then one night on an exotic island she meets Larraby, a successful portrait painter, and through a long night of talk reveals how she is afraid to commit herself to a second chance of happiness with another person, yet is not brave enough to face life alone. Can Larraby help Celia come to terms with the past or will they part, her outcome still uncertain?
Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 284
Original Publication Year 1934
Personal Details
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Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 12/13/1982
Owner John
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