Against the Fall of Night
Arthur C. Clarke
Pyramid (1967)
In Collection
Science Fiction
From Back Cover : - Destiny in the hands of a boy - A terrifying choice faced the boy, Alvin. For millions of years his people had remained content behind the barrier of the wasteland, obeying the warning of the records: Leave the city and the Invaders will return from beyond the stars...bringing ultimate doom. Hidden behind the records was another truth - and the boy sensed it. The long slow peace was a long slow death for his race unless he, Alvin, could accept the aweful challenge. Abandoning the safety of Diasper, Alvin made his choice - embarking on a voyage that gambled the fate of all mankind against all eternity.
Product Details
Cover Price $0.60
No. of Pages 159
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.1  inch
Original Publication Year 1953
Personal Details
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Owner John
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