Gordon R. Dickson
DAW (1979)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780879974817
At the crisis point of humanity's near future, the mystery cult called the Chantry Guild arose. It was their contention that the computerized world society would fall of its own weight-- that it would reduce earth's billions to a mass of faceless biped ants. They raised the call of destruction. They called upon the alternative laws of science-- the powers of nature men had once called witchcraft, the necromantic anti-science of the past brought forward to save the world by destroying it! Gordon Dickson's astonishing novel of the not-quite-human hero who turned the tide for the world-- and set the conditions for the cosmic migration that lead to the Dorsai-- is one of his most effectiver and most unusual.
Product Details
Series Childe Cycle
Cover Price $1.75
No. of Pages 189
Height x Width 7.0 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1962
Personal Details
Read It Yes (9/19/1985)
Owner John
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