The Final Encyclopedia
Gordon R. Dickson
Ace Books (1991)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780441237777
The Childe Cycle, also known as the Dorsai series, is Gordon R. Dickson's future history of humankind and its ultimate destiny. Now one of its central novels return to print in a two-volume corrected edition.

In The Final Encyclopedia the human race is split into three Splinter cultures: the Friendlies, fanatic in their faith; the truth-seeking Exotics; and the warrior Dorsai. But now humanity is threatened by the power-hungry Others, whose triumph would end all human progress.

Hal Mayne is an orphan who was raised by three tutors: an Exotic, a Friendly, and a Dorsai. He is the only human capable of uniting humanity against the Others. But only if he is willing to accept his terrifying savior of mankind.

A towering landmark of future history, The Final Encyclopedia is a novel every SF fan needs to own.

Product Details
Dewey 813
Series Childe Cycle
Cover Price $5.95
No. of Pages 696
Height x Width 7.0 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1984
Personal Details
Read It Yes (5/24/1998)
Store David's Books
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 7/28/2001
Owner John
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