Operation Chaos
Poul Anderson
Baen (1991)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780671721022
In a war waged against Black Magic, the fact that Steve is a werewolf and his wife is a highly-skilled witch is not unusual. But their adventures prove very unusual, even for their world, when they are given the task of neutralizing an enemy's ultimate weapon--the world's most powerful demon. Reissue.
Product Details
Cover Price $2.61
No. of Pages 288
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1971
Personal Details
Read It Yes (8/16/2009)
Store David's Books
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 9/15/2001
Owner John
Links Amazon
Operation Chaos was composed of three novelettes and a novella that were integrated pretty seamlessly. Looking at the title page told me that the first story was written in 1959, and the last one in 1969. Don't know if Anderson wrote connecting pages or not.

The setting is a world with magical powers and were creatures, witches, etc. The protagonist, Steve Matucek is a werewolf, able to change into wolf form pretty much at will. The first mission he is teamed with Virginia. America is under attack, and the enemies have gotten a monster (oops, forgot the exact name) and if this gets loose it will reek havoc and turn the tide against us. Virginia with her witch powers, and Steve with his wolf powers get behind enemy lines and subdue the monster.

After that the war is over, Steve is released from the army, decides to go back to college rather than back to his acting career. He is kind of smitten with Virginia, too. A college prank goes haywire and it's up to Steve to fix it. In the third story they face off against a demon they encounter on their honeymoon. The last story has a struggle as a new religion is gaining more and more power.

Maybe I didn't have enough attention to focus on the book, or my imagination is just not up to snuff, but there was a whole section about an alternate universe with non-euclidian laws which was hard to follow. There were also a lot of new ideas brought together really fast -- in short story fashion. The book was OK, I think I enjoyed the third story the most. There are a lot of great books out there that are more worthy of being read.