The Night Face
Poul Anderson
Ace Books (1978)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780441574506
Science Fiction. Originally published as Let the Space Men Beware! "To the men of the starship Quetzal their task seemed routine: to establish diplomatic relations and enter into trade negotiations with the people of a newly discovered planet. Since to all appearances the folk of Gwydion were the most thoroughly amiable in all the galaxy - words for such concepts as war, theft, anger, murder and jealousy did not even exist in their language - there could hardly be a problem. But as the season changed on Gwydion, so did the people..." Includes an afterword by Sandra Miesel.
Product Details
No. of Pages 145
Original Publication Year 1963
Personal Details
Read It Yes (2/10/2008)
Store David's Books
Purchase Price $2.00
Purchase Date 9/15/2001
Owner John
Links Amazon
The afterword started saying things about three different cultures and mythology and other stuff. That was all there, but it's sort of a mystery story, in the fact he puts clues all around, and then at the end we find out. This mystery required extrapolation, so the reader could think one thing, but there was no way to be sure. So you have two ways to enjoy the story, the interaction between the three main characters and their cultures, and this mystery of the third culture.
It was OK, pretty fast read, and better than the picture on the front cover might lead you to believe.