Falling Free
Lois McMaster Bujold
Baen (1988)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780671653989
Leo Graf was just your average highly efficient engineer: mind your own business, fix what's wrong and move on to the next job. Everything neat and according to spec, just the way he liked it. But all that changed on his assignment to the Cay Habitat. Could you just stand there and allow the exploitation of hundreds of helpless children merely to enhance the bottom line of a heartless mega-corporation?
Leo Graf adopted 1000 quaddies--now all he had to do was teach them to be free.
Product Details
LoC Classification PS3552.U397F35 1988
Dewey 813.54
Series Vorkosigan
Cover Price $4.99
No. of Pages 320
Height x Width 7.0 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1988
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/3/1998)
Store Borders
Purchase Price $4.99
Purchase Date 10/12/1997
Owner John
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