Lois McMaster Bujold
Baen (1999)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780671578084
The orbital solar mirror vital to the terraforming of planet Komarr has been shattered by a ship hurtling off course, and the Emperor of Barrayar has sent Miles Vorkosigan to find out why. The choice of Miles is not a popular one on Komarr, where a betrayal a generation before drenched the name of Vorkosigan in blood. Amidst lies and treachery, Miles is caught in a race against time to stop a plot that could exile him from Barrayar forever. His hope lies in an unexpected ally, one with wounds as deep and honor as beleaguered as his own.
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Vorkosigan
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 384
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1998
Personal Details
Read It Yes (4/22/1999)
Store Little Professor
Purchase Price $7.99
Purchase Date 4/20/1999
Owner John
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