The Pride of Chanur
C. J. Cherryh
DAW (1982)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780879976941

No one at Meetpoint Station had ever seen a creature like the Outsider. Naked-hided, blunt toothed and blunt-fingered, Tully was the sole surviving member of his company -- a communicative, spacefaring species hitherto unknown -- and he was a prisoner of his discoverer/ captors the sadistic, treacherous kif, until his escape onto the hani ship The Pride of Chanur.

Little did he know when he threw himself upon the mercy of The Pride and her crew that he put the entire hani species in jeopardy and imperiled the peace of the Compact itself. For the information this fugitive held could be the ruin or glory of any of the species at Meetpoint Station.

Cover art by Michael Whelan

Product Details
LoC Classification CPB Box no. 2608 vol. 21
Series Chanur
Cover Price $2.95
No. of Pages 224
Height x Width 7.0 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1982
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/11/1982)
Store David's Books
Purchase Price $2.00
Purchase Date 5/26/2002
Owner John
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