Well of Shiuan
C. J. Cherryh
DAW (1978)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780879973711
Fantasy. "The world of Shiuan was doomed. Rising waters and shattering earthquakes due to the coming of a vast and strange new satellite had sealed the fate of its peoples- flee or die with their world. Their sole escape routes were the Gates, the passages between worlds established by a forgotten cosmic race. And just as this knowledge dawned on the desperate tribes and cities there appeared the woman Morgaine- whose mission was to seal Shiuan's Gates." Winner of the John W. Campbell Award for the best new writer of the year.
Product Details
Series Morgaine Saga
Cover Price $1.95
No. of Pages 253
Height x Width 6.8 x 0.9  inch
Original Publication Year 1978
Personal Details
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Store Birdsong Books
Purchase Price $2.00
Purchase Date 6/24/2002
Owner John
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