Within each state's folder:
-"base.shp" is a shapefile containing the base polygons for the MCMC algorithm.
-"touches_java.txt" is the adjacency matrix for the base polygons, used for determining contiguity.
-"lengths_java.txt" and "coordinates_java.txt" contain geographic data for the base polygons.
-"votes_java2.txt" contains geographic data, population counts, and racial breakdowns of election data (calculated from the EI estimates) for the base polygons. The relevant data fields in this file are:
cty: Polygon's County FIPS code (This is the data used for calculating each districting plan's split counties)
mcd: Polygon's Municipality FIPS code (This is the data used for calculating each districting plan's split municipalities)
Tpop: Polygon's Total Population (2010 Census)
Tvap: Polygon's Voting Age Population (2010 Census)
BRvotes: Polygon's EI-Based Estimate of Black Votes for Barack Obama (November 2012)
BDvotes: Polygon's EI-Based Estimate of Black Votes for Mitt Romney (November 2012)
HRvotes: Polygon's EI-Based Estimate of Hispanic Votes for Barack Obama (November 2012)
HDvotes: Polygon's EI-Based Estimate of Hispanic Votes for Mitt Romney (November 2012)
ORvotes: Polygon's EI-Based Estimate of Other Votes for Barack Obama (November 2012)
ODvotes: Polygon's EI-Based Estimate of Other Votes for Mitt Romney (November 2012)
The R Code used to produce these base polygon files for each state appears in
Parameters for MCMC Algorithm Constraints: Within each state's folder, the "sim.../enact.txt" file contains the specific parameters used to contrain the MCMC algorithm for each state. Specifically, this file reports the following parameters for each state:
idealpop: Ideal population for a single district
pop: Total population of the state
sldl: Number of single-member districts in a valid districting plan
maxdev: Maximum allowable population deviation (based on the maximum population deviation exhibited by the state's enacted plan).
mcds: Total number of municipalities in the state.
spmcds: Maximum allowable number of municipalities split into two or more districts (based on the number of municipalities split into mulitple districts by the state's enacted plan).
ctys: Total number of counties in the state.
spctys: Maximum allowable number of counties split into two or more districts (based on the number of counties split into mulitple districts by the state's enacted plan).
BlackDists: Exact required number of Black opportunity districts for race-conscious MCMC algorithm (based on the number of Black opportunity districts in the state's enacted plan).
HispDists: Exact required number of Hispanic opportunity districts for race-conscious MCMC algorithm (based on the number of Hispanic opportunity districts in the state's enacted plan).
polsby: Minimum required Polsby-Popper compactness score (based on Polsby-Popper score of the state's enacted plan).