Syllabus(. . .under ongoing construction. Last update: April 1, 2006) 2006) |
Date |
Topic |
in the news, & events |
Assignments (by due date) |
Jan.5 |
intro to course |
none |
Jan.10 |
the great migration |
Enzensberger: The Great Migration |
Jan.11 |
Film: Bread and Chocolate
7:10pm in 124 EQ |
MigMap-Governing Migration
migration maps.ppt
Link to UNHCR
Jan.12 |
A New Cosmopolitanism or European Values? Where are we in our thinking? |
"Europe has no heart. . ."
Appiah. Toward a New Cosmopolitanism The NYT Magazine, Jan. 1, 2006/ Sec. 6
Todorov, European Values, The New World Disorder (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005)
Jan.17 |
Diaspora & the concept of the "Stranger"
Maps & Terms. . .
Dutch to ban burqa?
Brah, Diaspora, Borders, and Transnational Identities, Carto-graphies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities (1/2 of group reads).
Clifford, James."Diasporas," Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1994, 302-338 (1/2 of group reads)
Levy, D. and Natan Sznaider. "How much Diaspora is Bearable?"GOLEM (All read)
theater workshop (AUD)
honor killings on rise in Europe
Talk at 11:30:am Europeanizing Geography
come dressed comfortably; start time is 7:10 on the dot; try to eat at least 1 hour before workshop; absolutely no food in aud. Good idea to bring water, though. |
Jan.19 |
Split section:
German in Aud/
Spanish in 2 Ty
Event: Conference on Immigration
"Easier said than done" Article from The Nation, a response to Appiah
Spanish: Goytisolo, "Tierras del sur" en Furgón de cola; "Abandonemos de una vez el amoroso cultivo de nuerstras señas \" en Pájaro que ensucia su propio nido' "Landscapes after the Battle" /"Paisajes después de la batalla"
German: Text aus GOLEM (Bodemann-auf Engl. u. Dt.) und Gedichte von Esther Dischereit
Please turn your journals in on Friday, Jan. 20 by noon.
Jan.24 |
"Fremd ist der Fremde nur in der Fremde"
--K. Valentin
The stranger is only strange in a foreign country.
Profile of Turkish Women in 21st Century
Europe is no longer = to EU
Event: "Heimat in German Cinema"
Essay 1 (due Jan. 30)
Broder: "Heimat, nein Danke." (Home, no thanks!) in: A Jew in the New Germany.
Chambers, I. A Stranger in the House," Culture after Humanism: History, Culture, Subjectivity.
Flusser, V. "On the Alien," "To be settled one first has to be unsettled," "From Guest to Guest Worker," "Thinking about Nomadism," "Nomads," "Building Houses"
Jan.25 |
Theater workshop (AUD) |
"Naturalization. . .it's not easy to become German" |
Jan.26 |
Split section
(Response paper due 1/30 at 10am)
Arab Holocaust Center reaches out |
German: "Heimat-Texte"
Spanish: Testimonies
Por la via de Tarifa
Jan.31 |
"Myths and Identity: Roma,Gypsies" |
Event: "Bizet's Carmen and her Legacy: Spanish Gypsy..." |
Roma in an Expanding Europe (excerpts)
Liégeois, J-P, Roma, Gypsies, Travellers (excerpts)
Feb. 1 |
Film (124 EQ) |
Latcho Drom (Tony Gatliff, 1993, 103 min.) |
Feb. 2 |
Plenary Session in 3 Ty |
tion:A never-ending debate." |
Carnon-Deutsch, L. "Introduction" and excerpts from The Spanish Gypsy
Palomo, G. y Blaso, Gypsies in Madrid (excerpts, chap4, chap5)
Feb. 6 (guests) |
Extra Sessions (see handout) |
news: caricatures of Muhammed |
Talk and Workshop by Flamenco artists (Ethan Margolis). |
Feb. 7 |
Flamenco perf. at Ark |
Feb. 8 |
Theater workshop(AUD) |
From the page to the stage. |
Feb. 9 |
Split session
German in Aud
Workshop:After the racial state. Difference and democracy in Postfascist Germany. |
Heimat-Texte vom 26. Jan. bitte!
Colomer, Josette, los gitanos. Paris: Masson, 1973.
Calvo Buezas, Tomás, ¿España racista? Voces payas sobre los gitanos. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1990.
flamenco en las 3,000 viviendas
Feb.14 |
Memory & Imagined Identities, Jews in Germany--The Wall Between; The Wall Between; The Wall Around |
Film, Feb. 13 Europa,Europa
Webpage: Israel-Diaspora Relations/social seismograph of Jews in Germany
Webpage: The new anti-semitism in Germany, J. Peck.
Fisher, M. "The Wall Within: Fault Lines" and "The Wall Between Germans and Others: Germans and Jews," in After the Wall: Germany, Germans, and the Burdens of History.
Kolinsky, E. After the Holocaust:Jewish Survivors in Germany after 1945 (London: Pimlicka, 2004),228-240.
Klein, Germany's long national coma.
Recommended Rdg: "Fire and Ash" and "Ausländer" (Fisher238-272)
Feb.15 |
Workshop (AUD) |
Interviews from: Peter Sichrovsky, Strangers in Their Own Land. Basic Books 1986
& Sichrovsky, Born Guilty, Harper Books 1988
A little bit of Brecht: Working with narration, using texts by children of Nazis, and by second-gen. Grm. Jews. Incorporating: "Gestus" Gesture/ Gist |
Feb.16 |
split session |
Website:Juden in Berlin |
German:dt.-israelische Beziehungen |
Feb. 21 |
Whole group |
Alliance may calm cartoon unrest |
Hoffman, E. "From Morality to Memory" After Such Knowledge. (New York: Public Affairs, 2004). |
Feb.22 |
Theater workshop |
Continuation of last week's scene work. |
Feb.23 |
Whole group |
Website: Berlin memorials
Recommended Article: Memory, Counter-Memory,&the end of the monument
PBS Documentary: "A Jew Among the Germans" Info online |
Spring Break |
CiDglossary and links |
Mar.7 |
"Historical / Economic Context"
Plenary session
3 Ty
Collective memory,
Race, Immigration. . .
Spain after the 60s
Jordan, Barry. Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies. London: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Mar.8 |
Meet in 124 EQ at 7:10 pm
Paper#2 due on Friday at 2 pm |
Intercultural Communication Workshop: "Synthetic Cultures" |
Mar.9 |
"Roots and Routes:Migration"
Plenary session place t.b.a.
Paper#2 due on Friday at 2 pm
Migration Terminology
Recommended Reading
World Migration Report 2005, p.138-159 of report, only!
Readings: Int'l.Mig.Facts&Figures;
Senocak,Z.,Atlas of a Tropical Germany: Essays on Politics and Culture, 1990-1998 (Excerpts);
Guest Faces (Özdamar). Writing Europe, U.Keller & I. Rakusa, eds. Budapest:CEU Press, 2004.
Optional rdg.(Mig. to Spain)
Medrano, J.D. "Spain: Europe as a Mirror with Two Reflections" Framing Europe, Medrano (NJ:Princeton Univ. Press,2003)
(Mig. to Germany)
TRANSIT, Vol. 1,1: Migration, Culture, & the Nation State, 2005;
Soysal, L. From Labor to Culture.South Atlantic Quarterly, 102:2/3 (2003)
Mar.14 |
"Literature of Displacement or Hybridity?"
Split sessions
controversial Holocaust remembrance:
Spanish: La otra orilla (RTVE, 2001) (Documental Radio Television Española, 2001) García Benito, Nieves, Cailcedrat. Por la vía de Tarifa. Madrid: Calambur, 2000.
German: Lest bitte die Kaminer Kurzgeschichten (Kurspaket).
Mar.15 |
Mar.16 |
Split sessions,
cont'd. (Lit.) |
(German) Multimediaprojekt Familienalbum 1888-1999 von Deutschen und Einwanderern über die deutschen und kurdischen Vorfahren der Familie Hackenberg Hediye.
Spanish: Desaparecidos (RTVE, 2001)
García Benito, Nieves, Punta Marroquí. Por la vía de Tarifa. Madrid: Calambur, 2000.
German: HEFT/Tagebuch bitte einreichen. Besprechung: Fortsetzung (Kaminer);Schami (Auszüge: S 119 ,,ich weiss nicht" bis 126 ,,Die Schule" und S. 137- ,,Kein Wunder" bis 139 ,,Er war ein grosses Kind").
Mar 17/18 |
Theater Workshops (AUD)
Fri 4:30-7 pm
Sat. 12-4??
Mar.21 |
Split sessions,
cont'd. (Lit.)
Start identifying your topic for the third paper, a 5 page paper on one theme (further desc. in class)
Spanish: Ignacio del Moral, La mirada del hombre oscuro, pp9-38
German: Senocak: Territorien, mein Europa, Die Heimat.trägt der Mensch in sich ,der Bart, Jenseits der Landsprache."
Mar.22 |
AUD (all students) |
Movement workshop with Michael Lee |
Mar.23 |
Split sessions,
cont'd. (Lit.)
By Mon. you should propose a topic (via email or in person) for your 3rd paper, due April 3 at noon.
Spanish: del Moral, Ignacio, La mirada del hombre oscuro. Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores de España, 1992. pp39-63
German:Güngör Kurz-geschichten aus Unter uns...
Mar.28 |
"Islam & Muslims in Europe"
Plenary session
News article: New US Immigration Law
Qantara website: Dialogue with the Islamic World (in German and Eng.)
Article online today: Tighter EU Borders Forcing Refugees to Take Bigger Risks.
Albet I Mas, Lluís Riudor-Gorgas, The Moor: A Neighbour under Suspicion. Maintenance of Colonial Ambigous Stereotypes in the Relations between Spain and Morocco. AA i Mas, L Riudor-Gorgas -
Dietz, Gunther, Frontier Hybridisation or Culture Clash? Transnational Migrant Communities and Sub-National Identity Politics in Andalusia, Spain, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Stuides, vol 30, no. 6, November 2004: 1087-1112
Mar.29 |
AUD-End-of-term show group |
Mar.30 |
"Islam& Muslims in Europe"
Split session
Talk: The Dilemma of EU Integration
Dossier:Feminist Approaches to Islam (various views)
Spanish: Sorel, Andrés, Voces del Estrecho. Barcelona: Muchnik editores, 2000 German: Kemal (2005), Die fremde Braut (Auszüge), Ayse (2005). Mich hat keiner gefragt (Auszüge--Handout in class)
Apr. 4 |
"Women's issues..."Plenary session |
News article (Economist):
France faces the future.)
Headscarf surveys (Grm):
Kopftuch im Staatsdienst?
Kopftuch unerwünscht.
Readings on the Headscarf Debate:on-line dossier; also: Soyinko,"The Headscarf Controversy" NPQ, Sp.2004(from class last wk.; Munoz,"Islam's Women under Western Eyes" (; E.Tarlo, "Reconsidering Stereotypes:Anthropological reflections on the jibab controversy." Anthropology Today, Vol. 21,No. 8, Dec.05.; & Schneider's New Berlin Wall (sent as attachment), NYT
Excellent and recommended, but not required: Mandel, Turkish Headscarves and the "Foreigner Problem": Constructing Difference through Emblems of Identity. In NGQ, No. 46, Winter 89, 27-46.
Apr. 5 |
124 EQ |
Film: Flowers from Another World |
Apr. 6 |
Split sessions |
Spanish:Cubrir un hueco (RTVE, 2003)
Ruiz Olabuenaga, J.I. et al., Los inmigrantes irregulares en España: La vida por un sueño. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 1999.
German: Lest einige der Artikel auf dieser Website über den Kopftuchstreit (schreibt wichtige Ideen dazu auf).
Apr.11 |
"Racism, Xenophobia,Anti-discrimination" Youth culture. Plenary session |
Mut gegen Rechte
Gewalt; Städte gegen Rassismus;Aktioncourage |
A.Kaya,Aesthetics of diaspora: contemporary minstrels in Turkish Berlin, JEMS, vol.28,No.1, 2002.
German speakers: Schaut euch bitte auch Links auf dieser Website und auf dieser Website an!
Apr.12 |
t.b.a. |
Apr.13 |
Split sessions |
El Federación Estatal de Asociaciones de SOS Racismo, El Ejido: Racismo y explotación Laboral. SOS Racismo, Informe annual 2001 sobre el racismo en el estado español. Barcelona: Icaria, 2001.
German: (Film: Zwischen Rap und Ramadan); Auszüge aus: Ghettokids; Musik: Rap vs. Rechtsradikale Musik; ProAsyl (Texte u. Websites)
Apr. 14/15 |
Theater of CiD |
End of term show on Sat.nt. by interested participants |
Apr. 18 |
Wrap up
Plenary session
Optional (recommended) rdgs: Amin,"Shared Space: Multi-ethnicity & the Idea of Europe"
"Heading for Europe" (handout in box by Janet's door)