RC Hums 333, 003: Cultures in Dialogue:Crossing External and Internal Borders
course instructors: janet hegman shier & olga lópez cotín

Syllabus(. . .under ongoing construction. Last update: April 1, 2006) 2006)
Date Topic in the news, & events Assignments (by due date)
Jan.5 intro to course none
Jan.10 the great migration Enzensberger: The Great Migration
Jan.11 Film: Bread and Chocolate
7:10pm in 124 EQ
MigMap-Governing Migration

migration maps.ppt

Link to UNHCR

Jan.12 A New Cosmopolitanism or European Values? Where are we in our thinking? "Europe has no heart. . ."

• Appiah. “Toward a New Cosmopolitanism” The NYT Magazine, Jan. 1, 2006/ Sec. 6
• Todorov, “European Values,” The New World Disorder (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2005)
Jan.17 Diaspora & the concept of the "Stranger"

Maps & Terms. . .

Dutch to ban burqa?


• Brah, “Diaspora, Borders, and Transnational Identities,” Carto-graphies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities (1/2 of group reads).

• Clifford, James."Diasporas," Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1994, 302-338 (1/2 of group reads)

•Levy, D. and Natan Sznaider. "How much Diaspora is Bearable?"GOLEM (All read)


theater workshop (AUD)

honor killings on rise in Europe

Talk at 11:30:am Europeanizing Geography

come dressed comfortably; start time is 7:10 on the dot; try to eat at least 1 hour before workshop; absolutely no food in aud. Good idea to bring water, though.
Jan.19 Split section:

German in Aud/

Spanish in 2 Ty

Event: Conference on Immigration

"Easier said than done" Article from The Nation, a response to Appiah

• Spanish: Goytisolo, "Tierras del sur" en Furgón de cola; "Abandonemos de una vez el amoroso cultivo de nuerstras señas \" en Pájaro que ensucia su propio nido' "Landscapes after the Battle" /"Paisajes después de la batalla"

• German: Text aus GOLEM (Bodemann-auf Engl. u. Dt.) und Gedichte von Esther Dischereit

Please turn your journals in on Friday, Jan. 20 by noon.

Jan.24 "Fremd ist der Fremde nur in der Fremde"
K. Valentin

The stranger is only strange in a foreign country.

Profile of Turkish Women in 21st Century

Europe is no longer = to EU

Event: "Heimat in German Cinema"

Essay 1 (due Jan. 30)

• Broder: "Heimat, nein Danke." (Home, no thanks!) in: A Jew in the New Germany.

•Chambers, I. A Stranger in the House," Culture after Humanism: History, Culture, Subjectivity.

•Flusser, V. "On the Alien," "To be settled one first has to be unsettled," "From Guest to Guest Worker," "Thinking about Nomadism," "Nomads," "Building Houses"

Jan.25 Theater workshop (AUD) "Naturalization. . .it's not easy to become German"
Jan.26 Split section

(Response paper due 1/30 at 10am)

Arab Holocaust Center reaches out • German: "Heimat-Texte"

• Spanish: Testimonies
Por la via de Tarifa

Jan.31 "Myths and Identity: Roma,Gypsies" Event: "Bizet's Carmen and her Legacy: Spanish Gypsy..." Roma in an Expanding Europe (excerpts)

•Liégeois, J-P, Roma, Gypsies, Travellers (excerpts)

Feb. 1 Film (124 EQ) Latcho Drom (Tony Gatliff, 1993, 103 min.)
Feb. 2 Plenary Session in 3 Ty Event:"Immigra-
tion:A never-ending debate."
• Carnon-Deutsch, L. "Introduction" and excerpts from The Spanish Gypsy

• Palomo, G. y Blaso, Gypsies in Madrid (excerpts, chap4, chap5)

Feb. 6 (guests) Extra Sessions (see handout) news: caricatures of Muhammed Talk and Workshop by Flamenco artists (Ethan Margolis).
Feb. 7 CLASS CANCELLED Flamenco perf. at Ark
Feb. 8 Theater workshop(AUD) From the page to the stage.
Feb. 9 Split session

German in Aud

Workshop:After the racial state. Difference and democracy in Postfascist Germany. German:
• Heimat-Texte vom 26. Jan. bitte!

Colomer, Josette,
los gitanos. Paris: Masson, 1973.
Calvo Buezas, Tomás, ¿España racista? Voces payas sobre los gitanos. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1990.
flamenco en las 3,000 viviendas

Feb.14 Memory & Imagined Identities, Jews in Germany--The Wall Between; The Wall Between; The Wall Around

Film, Feb. 13 Europa,Europa

Webpage: Israel-Diaspora Relations/social seismograph of Jews in Germany

Webpage: The new anti-semitism in Germany, J. Peck.

• Fisher, M. "The Wall Within: Fault Lines" and "The Wall Between Germans and Others: Germans and Jews," in After the Wall: Germany, Germans, and the Burdens of History.

•Kolinsky, E. After the Holocaust:Jewish Survivors in Germany after 1945 (London: Pimlicka, 2004),228-240.

•Klein, Germany's long national coma.

Recommended Rdg: "Fire and Ash" and "Ausländer" (Fisher238-272)

Feb.15 Workshop (AUD) Interviews from: Peter Sichrovsky, Strangers in Their Own Land. Basic Books 1986

& Sichrovsky, Born Guilty, Harper Books 1988

A little bit of Brecht: Working with narration, using texts by children of Nazis, and by second-gen. Grm. Jews. Incorporating: "Gestus" Gesture/ Gist
Feb.16 split session Website:Juden in Berlin German:dt.-israelische Beziehungen
Feb. 21 Whole group Alliance may calm cartoon unrest • Hoffman, E. "From Morality to Memory" After Such Knowledge. (New York: Public Affairs, 2004).
Feb.22 Theater workshop Continuation of last week's scene work.
Feb.23 Whole group Website: Berlin memorials

Recommended Article: Memory, Counter-Memory,&the end of the monument

PBS Documentary: "A Jew Among the Germans" Info online
Spring Break CiDglossary and links
Mar.7 "Historical / Economic Context"

Plenary session
3 Ty

• Collective memory,
• Race, Immigration. . .
• Spain after the 60s

Jordan, Barry. Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies. London: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Mar.8 Meet in 124 EQ at 7:10 pm
Paper#2 due on Friday at 2 pm
Intercultural Communication Workshop: "Synthetic Cultures"
Mar.9 "Roots and Routes:Migration"

Plenary session place t.b.a.

Paper#2 due on Friday at 2 pm

Migration Terminology

Recommended Reading
World Migration Report 2005, p.138-159 of report, only!

Readings: •Int'l.Mig.Facts&Figures;
• Senocak,Z.,Atlas of a Tropical Germany: Essays on Politics and Culture, 1990-1998 (Excerpts);
• Guest Faces (Özdamar). Writing Europe, U.Keller & I. Rakusa, eds. Budapest:CEU Press, 2004.

Optional rdg.(Mig. to Spain)
Medrano, J.D. "Spain: Europe as a Mirror with Two Reflections" Framing Europe, Medrano (NJ:Princeton Univ. Press,2003)

(Mig. to Germany)
TRANSIT, Vol. 1,1: Migration, Culture, & the Nation State, 2005;
•Soysal, L. From Labor to Culture.South Atlantic Quarterly, 102:2/3 (2003)

Mar.14 "Literature of Displacement or Hybridity?"

Split sessions

controversial Holocaust remembrance:

Spanish: “La otra orilla” (RTVE, 2001) (Documental Radio Television Española, 2001) García Benito, Nieves, “Cailcedrat.” Por la vía de Tarifa. Madrid: Calambur, 2000.

German: Lest bitte die Kaminer Kurzgeschichten (Kurspaket).

Mar.15 AUD
Mar.16 Split sessions,
cont'd. (Lit.)

www.einfamilienalbum.de Multimediaprojekt Familienalbum 1888-1999 von Deutschen und Einwanderern über die deutschen und kurdischen Vorfahren der Familie Hackenberg Hediye.

Spanish: “Desaparecidos” (RTVE, 2001)
García Benito, Nieves, “Punta Marroquí.” Por la vía de Tarifa. Madrid: Calambur, 2000.

German: HEFT/Tagebuch bitte einreichen. Besprechung: Fortsetzung (Kaminer);Schami (Auszüge: S 119 ,,ich weiss nicht" bis 126 ,,Die Schule" und S. 137- ,,Kein Wunder" bis 139 ,,Er war ein grosses Kind").

Mar 17/18 Theater Workshops (AUD)

Fri 4:30-7 pm

Sat. 12-4??

Mar.21 Split sessions,
cont'd. (Lit.)

Start identifying your topic for the third paper, a 5 page paper on one theme (further desc. in class)

Spanish: Ignacio del Moral, La mirada del hombre oscuro, pp9-38

German: Senocak: Territorien, mein Europa, Die Heimat.trägt der Mensch in sich ,der Bart, Jenseits der Landsprache."

Mar.22 AUD (all students) Movement workshop with Michael Lee
Mar.23 Split sessions,
cont'd. (Lit.)

By Mon. you should propose a topic (via email or in person) for your 3rd paper, due April 3 at noon.

Spanish: del Moral, Ignacio, La mirada del hombre oscuro. Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores de España, 1992. pp39-63

German:Güngör Kurz-geschichten aus Unter uns...

Mar.28 "Islam & Muslims in Europe"

Plenary session

News article: New US Immigration Law

Qantara website: Dialogue with the Islamic World (in German and Eng.)

Article online today: Tighter EU Borders Forcing Refugees to Take Bigger Risks.

Albet I Mas, Lluís Riudor-Gorgas, “The Moor: A Neighbour under Suspicion. Maintenance of Colonial Ambigous Stereotypes in the Relations between Spain and Morocco.” AA i Mas, L Riudor-Gorgas - inhouse.lau.edu.lb

Dietz, Gunther, “Frontier Hybridisation or Culture Clash? Transnational Migrant Communities and Sub-National Identity Politics in Andalusia, Spain,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Stuides, vol 30, no. 6, November 2004: 1087-1112

Mar.29 AUD-End-of-term show group
Mar.30 "Islam& Muslims in Europe"

Split session

Talk: The Dilemma of EU Integration

Dossier:Feminist Approaches to Islam (various views)

Spanish: Sorel, Andrés, Voces del Estrecho. Barcelona: Muchnik editores, 2000

German: Kemal (2005), Die fremde Braut (Auszüge), Ayse (2005). Mich hat keiner gefragt (Auszüge--Handout in class)

Apr. 4 "Women's issues..."Plenary session News article (Economist):
France faces the future.)

Headscarf surveys (Grm):

Kopftuch im Staatsdienst?

Kopftuch unerwünscht.

Readings on the Headscarf Debate:on-line dossier; also: Soyinko,"The Headscarf Controversy" NPQ, Sp.2004(from class last wk.; Munoz,"Islam's Women under Western Eyes" (www.opendemocracy.com); E.Tarlo, "Reconsidering Stereotypes:Anthropological reflections on the jibab controversy." Anthropology Today, Vol. 21,No. 8, Dec.05.; & Schneider's New Berlin Wall (sent as attachment), NYT

Excellent and recommended, but not required: Mandel, Turkish Headscarves and the "Foreigner Problem": Constructing Difference through Emblems of Identity. In NGQ, No. 46, Winter 89, 27-46.

Apr. 5 124 EQ Film: Flowers from Another World
Apr. 6 Split sessions Spanish:“Cubrir un hueco” (RTVE, 2003)
Ruiz Olabuenaga, J.I. et al., Los inmigrantes irregulares en España: La vida por un sueño. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto, 1999.

German: Lest einige der Artikel auf dieser Website über den Kopftuchstreit (schreibt wichtige Ideen dazu auf).

Apr.11 "Racism, Xenophobia,Anti-discrimination"
Youth culture. Plenary session
Mut gegen Rechte
Städte gegen Rassismus;Aktioncourage
A.Kaya,Aesthetics of diaspora: contemporary minstrels in Turkish Berlin, JEMS, vol.28,No.1, 2002.

German speakers: Schaut euch bitte auch Links auf dieser Website und auf dieser Website an!

Apr.12 t.b.a.
Apr.13 Split sessions El Federación Estatal de Asociaciones de SOS Racismo, “El Ejido: Racismo y explotación Laboral.” SOS Racismo, Informe annual 2001 sobre el racismo en el estado español. Barcelona: Icaria, 2001.

German: (Film: Zwischen Rap und Ramadan); Auszüge aus: Ghettokids; Musik: Rap vs. Rechtsradikale Musik; ProAsyl (Texte u. Websites)

Apr. 14/15 OPTIONAL:
Theater of CiD
End of term show on Sat.nt. by interested participants
Apr. 18

Wrap up

Plenary session

Optional (recommended) rdgs: Amin,"Shared Space: Multi-ethnicity & the Idea of Europe"

"Heading for Europe" (handout in box by Janet's door)

May 4-17 CiD Program in Granada and Berlin

This site is maintained by Janet Hegman Shier.