U-M Residential College Deutsches Theater Munich Trip 2007
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Gruess Gott! (Hello, as they say in Munich!) Welcome to our Spring Break 2007 Munich theater trip homepage. Eleven students took part in the 5th RC German Theater Spring Break trip. We saw Theater, Theater, Theater., and then in our spare time we saw a little bit more Theater, Theater, Theater. Here is some of what we planned.
DAY ONE (1. Tag) , Fri. 23. Feb. Ankunft (Arrival). . .
Chekhov's Three Sisters (Kammerspiele)
DAY TWO (2. Tag), Sat. 24. Feb.
Option 1: Moses und Aron (opera at Nationaltheater)
Option 2: Die Probe (Lukas Baerfuss) Commissioned by Kammerspiele
Option 3: Suburban Motel (Haus der Kunst)
DAY THREE (3. Tag), Sun. 25. Feb.
Tour of the "Alte Pinakothek" Art museum tour by an Art Historian and Restoration expert- 10:00 a.m.
Theater Option 1: Chekhov's Cherry Orchard (Der Kirschgarten)
Theater Option 2: Ibsen's Brand
Option 3 (opera): La Calisto (National Theater)
DAY FOUR (4. Tag), Mon. 26. Feb.
GROUP TICKETS (mandatory and subsidized!) : ) TO: Horvath's GLAUBE, LIEBE, HOFFNUNG (Faith, Love, Hope)
DAY FIVE (5. Tag), Tues. 27. Feb.
GROUP TICKETS to Schauburg Youth Theater: Of Mice and Men
EVENINGOptions for theater at night: Die Frau von frueher
Other options include: Schatten, Solidaritaet ist Selbstmord, Floh im Ohr,
Der Opernball, Lilliom, La Calisto
DAY SIX (6. Tag), Wed. 28. Feb.
Options for theater : Too many choices to show pics or to list!!!
Many of us are going to Woyzeck at the Volkstheater!
DAY SEVEN (7. Tag),Thurs. 1. March
Option1: Kleines Spiel Marionettentheater presents Wal de Mar und die Wasserkoepfe
Option 2: Nathan der Weise
DAY EIGHT (8. Tag), Fri. 2. March
Option: Tänzerinnen und Drücker
Further Options : Sollidarity as Suicide; Der Brandner Kaspar; die Frau von frueher,
Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald
La Bayaderre (Ballett)
DAY NINE (9.Tag), Sat. 3. March
Many Options for theater at night: Too many choices to show pics!!!
Prinz Friedrich von Homburg, Androklus und der Loewe, Gier, Eine Nacht in Venedig, Die Ziege oder wer ist Sylvia?, La Calisto
contact Janet Hegman Shier: jshie-at-umich.edu
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"U-M RC Deutsches Theater"
seit 1985
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