Church/Hotel Details

Getting to Ann Arbor

Hotel Details

Wedding Party Info

Registry Info

Reception: Sheraton Inn Ann Arbor
3200 Boardwalk Avenue

Call 734-996-0600 and be sure to mention that you are attending the Colligan/Scarcella wedding to get the special rate of US$84 a night.

Rooms will be available at a special rate through October 30, 2002.

Directions to the Hotel

Courtyard by Marriott

We also have rooms reserved at the Courtyard by Marriott, which is just across the street from the Sheraton, and is offering a slightly lower room rate of US$69 a night. Call 734-996-0600 and be sure to mention that you are attending the Colligan/Scarcella wedding.

Rooms will be available at a special rate through October 30, 2002.

Directions to the Hotel

Church: St. Mary Student Parish
331 Thompson Street

St. Mary's is the church Kristin has belonged to since her family moved to Ann Arbor in 1974. It's located in downtown Ann Arbor, and serves Catholic University of Michigan students, as well as families across Ann Arbor.

Kristin's email:

Sergio's email:

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