N. Anderson and K.S. Seefeldt. (2000). Inside Michigan Work First Programs. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan.
K. S. Seefeldt and J. Peters. (2000). The Family Independence Specialist: Successes and Challenges. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan.
K.S. Seefeldt, L. Kaye, C. Botsko, P. Holcomb, Kimura Flores, C. Herbig, K. Tumlin. (1998). Income Support and Social Services for Low-Income People in Wisconsin. Report from the New Federalism Project. Washington, D.C: The Urban Institute.
A. Kalil, Corcoran, M.E., Danziger, S.K., Tolman, R., Seefeldt, K.S., Rosen, D., and Nam, Y. (1998). Getting Jobs, Keeping Jobs, and Earning a Living Wage: Can Welfare Reform Work? Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Paper 1170-98. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin.
K. Seefeldt, L. Pavetti, K. Maguire, G. Kirby. (1998). Income Support and Social Services for Low-Income People in Michigan. Report from the New Federalism Project. Washington, D.C: The Urban Institute.
K. Seefeldt, J. Sandfort, S.K. Danziger (1998). Moving Toward a Vision of Family Independence: Local Manager’s Views of Michigan’s Welfare Reforms. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.