How To Download Files From the Web
File Transfer Protocol (FTP, and its MacIntosh counterpart,
Fetch) has been in use for a number of years. These are both a
program that allows you to "fetch" a file from another computer, and
a protocol that assures uniformity between computers. There are many
FTP sites (i.e., sources of accessible files) throughout the world.
The University of
Michigan has an exemplary site that supplies files concerning
science, medicine, and even games. FTP allows you to request from the
University of Michigan (or other distant) computer a specific file,
and then gives you the ability to retrieve that file. Most of the
newer WEB browsers, such as Netscape, have FTP capabilities. Although
many sites will routinely check their files for computer viruses, one
has to beware that some of these files m ay be infected.
If you choose to download a file, please choose a SMALL file,
otherwise the download could consume alot of time during our internet
connection. You can search for files to download using one of the
search engines mentioned in the previous page (search under the topic
of shareware, for instance). Alternatively, you may browse a site
such as The
Comprehensive List of Shareware Sites to browse a compiled
list of shareware si tes, organized by operating system (Mac versus
Windows vs DOS).