What are the problems?
Let the buyer beware! Recently in a NEJM editorial,
concern was expressed that any "preprint" posted on the Internet
(like those in the physics community) is "incomplete until it
undergoes peer review". Certainly anyone can post almost any item of
information on the Internet, and currently there are no safeguards to
ensure that information is accurate. Certainl y, some Web sites, like
that for the journal Science, or for the American Academy of
Neurology, that have high credibility since the postings have
gone through some form of review. However, how can we control the
quality of a Web site on "autism" or "headaches," or can we even be
sure that a site is reputable because it is associated with a
university department or patient organization? Certainly, like any
journal article that we read, we must be critical and take into
account the source for that article or information. As time
goes on, a few sites may distinguish themselves for their useability
and accuracy in our field.