Let Exercise-Induced Asthma Slow You Down!
you have exercise-induced asthma (EIA), rest assured that you are not alone.
According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) an
estimated 5 to 7 percent of Americans are living with the condition.1
is a condition characterized by symptoms of coughing, wheezing, shortness of
breath, and chest tightness during or after exercise and is also associated
with airway obstruction after exercise. Some patients with EIA only
experience these symptoms during or after exercise and have no symptoms of
asthma while at rest. Others, however, may have chronic asthma where exercise
simply acts as one of many symptom triggers (including pet dander, pollen,
etc.). EIA
is likely triggered by a variety of situations. When air is too cold,
humidity is too low or too high, or when there are a lot of allergens in the
air, a person with EIA may have an exacerbation of symptoms. For instance,
competitive athletes in cold weather sports have a high incidence of EIA: 35%
in figure skaters, 35% in ice hockey players, and an astounding 50% of
cross-country skiers! EIA appears to be less prevalent in warm-weather sports
as the incidence was only 14% in cross-country runners and 16% in athletes at
the 1996 Atlanta summer Olympics. 2 How does cold air cause more
problems than warm air? The
exact mechanism of EIA is not fully understood, yet it seems that
inflammation of the airways is indeed involved. Breathing cold air, for
example, may stimulate mast cells to produce histamine, proteases,
leukotrienes, etc. which act as inflammatory mediators in the lungs and cause
the airways to narrow. At the same time other cells may be recruited to the
site of inflammation via signals known as chemotactic factors. These cells
also release inflammatory mediators, and the inflammatory reaction is simply
perpetuated.2 Although
EIA can be frustrating to deal with, it does not have to interfere with
athletic performance! For recreational athletes you may consider changing the
type, duration, or location of exercises you do. Also, warming up to 80-90%
of your maximum workload prior to your formal workout may also reduce
occurrence or severity of symptoms.2 You may also want to discuss
various pharmacological treatments with your physician. The first medication
usually tried is an inhaled bronchodilator such as albuterol (Ventolin,
Proventil). Your physician will show you how and when the inhaler is to be
used � usually two puffs of the medication 15-30 minutes before starting your
workout.3 Other medications may be beneficial, and you should
discuss your options with your healthcare provider if you think you may have
EIA. Don�t
let exercise-induced asthma keep you from reaching your athletic goals. Many
great athletes have learned how to deal with EIA, and so can you!! References:
� Copyright 2005-2009 University of
Michigan Board of Regents and MedFitness Group |