Overtraining Syndrome to Blame?
you are an athlete, you know the great rewards of hard work: perhaps you�ve
just shaved ten seconds off your mile time if you�re a runner, you�re leading
your basketball team in assists, or you just broke a record for most pass
receptions in a football game. But what if you reach a point in your training
where your performance has �hit the wall�, you feel exhausted, and other
parts of your life are starting to suffer? Should you spend even more time on
the track, court, or field perfecting your skills to perfection, or could
cutting back a little bit on your training regimen be even more helpful? The
answer may lie in whether or not you have a condition known as overtraining
syndrome. Although
fatigue and a decrease in athletic ability are quite normal after a series of
heavy training sessions, you should bounce back to normal after a few days of
rest or lighter training. If, however, you still feel sore, tired, and your
performance still suffers after a period of rest, you could have what is
known as overtraining syndrome1. Since these symptoms could be indicative of
other medical conditions, it is important that you talk to your team or
personal physician to rule out causes other than overtraining syndrome. Overtraining
syndrome is often treated with a period of complete rest with the length of
time dependent upon the amount of overtraining. Proper nutrition and
relaxation techniques such as massage and yoga are also likely to be
encouraged to help speed the healing process. But remember � overtraining syndrome CAN be prevented by incorporating regular periods of rest and recovery into your training regimen! These recuperation periods are vital in order to allow your body to perform at its peak ability. Maintaining a training log may be a helpful way to keep track of your new training regimen and to ensure that your body is getting the rest it needs and deserves. Good luck!! References: 1.Hawley CJ, Shoene, RB. Overtraining syndrome: why training too hard, too long, doesn�t work. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. 2003;31: 47-48. |
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Michigan Board of Regents and MedFitness Group |