Chapter 3: Graphics and visualization
EPS | PNG | 3.1 | Graph of the sine function |
EPS | PNG | 3.2 | Graph of data from a file |
EPS | PNG | 3.3a | A basic graph with extra space added |
EPS | PNG | 3.3b | A graph with labeled axes |
EPS | PNG | 3.3c | A graph with the curve replaced by circular dots |
EPS | PNG | 3.3d | Sine and cosine curves on the same graph |
EPS | PNG | 3.4 | The Hertzsprung--Russell diagram |
EPS | PNG | 3.5 | A example of a density plot |
EPS | PNG | 3.6a | Density plot using the default heat map color scheme |
EPS | PNG | 3.6b | The gray color scheme |
EPS | PNG | 3.6c | The same plot but with different calibration of the axes |
EPS | PNG | 3.6d | The same plot but with the horizontal range reduced |
EPS | PNG | 3.7 | Interference pattern |
EPS | PNG | 3.8 | Visualization of atoms in a simple cubic lattice |
Chapter 5: Integrals and derivatives
EPS | PNG | 5.1a | Rectangle rule |
EPS | PNG | 5.1b | Trapezoidal rule |
EPS | PNG | 5.1c | Trapezoidal rule with more slices |
EPS | PNG | 5.2 | Simpson's rule |
EPS | PNG | 5.3 | Doubling the number of steps in the trapezoidal rule |
EPS | PNG | 5.4a | Points and weights for Gaussian quadrature with N = 10 |
EPS | PNG | 5.4b | Points and weights for Gaussian quadrature with N = 100 |
EPS | PNG | 5.5 | Sample points for Gaussian quadrature in two dimensions |
EPS | PNG | 5.6 | 128-point Sobol sequence |
EPS | PNG | 5.7 | Integration over a non-rectangular domain |
EPS | PNG | 5.8 | A complicated integration domain |
EPS | PNG | 5.9 | Forward and backward differences |
EPS | PNG | 5.10 | Derivative of a sampled function |
EPS | PNG | 5.11a | A noisy data set |
EPS | PNG | 5.11b | Derivative calculated using a forward difference |
EPS | PNG | 5.12 | An expanded view of the noisy data |
EPS | PNG | 5.13 | Smoothed data and an improved estimate of the derivative |
EPS | PNG | 5.14 | Linear interpolation |
Chapter 6: Solution of linear and nonlinear equations
EPS | PNG | 6.1 | Vibration in a chain of identical masses coupled by springs |
EPS | PNG | 6.2 | Magnetization as a function of temperature |
EPS | PNG | 6.3 | The binary search method |
EPS | PNG | 6.4 | An even number of roots bracketed between two points |
EPS | PNG | 6.5 | A function with a double root |
EPS | PNG | 6.6 | Newton's method |
EPS | PNG | 6.7 | Failure of Newton's method |
EPS | PNG | 6.8 | Local and global minima of a function |
EPS | PNG | 6.9 | Golden ratio search |
Chapter 7: Fourier transforms
EPS | PNG | 7.1 | Creating a periodic function from a nonperiodic one |
EPS | PNG | 7.2a | Sample positions for Type-I DFT |
EPS | PNG | 7.2b | Sample positions for Type-II DFT |
EPS | PNG | 7.3 | An example signal |
EPS | PNG | 7.4 | Fourier transform of Fig. 7.3 |
EPS | PNG | 7.5 | Turning a nonsymmetric function into a symmetric one |
Chapter 8: Ordinary differential equations
EPS | PNG | 8.1 | Numerical solution of an ordinary differential equation |
EPS | PNG | 8.2 | Euler's method and the second-order Runge-Kutta method |
EPS | PNG | 8.3 | Solutions calculated with the second-order Runge-Kutta method |
EPS | PNG | 8.4 | Solutions calculated with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method |
EPS | PNG | 8.5 | Solution of a differential equation to infinity |
EPS | PNG | 8.6 | Adaptive step sizes |
EPS | PNG | 8.7 | The adaptive step size method |
EPS | PNG | 8.8 | Motion of a nonlinear pendulum |
EPS | PNG | 8.9 | Second-order Runge-Kutta and the leapfrog method |
EPS | PNG | 8.10 | Total energy of the nonlinear pendulum |
EPS | PNG | 8.11 | The shooting method |
EPS | PNG | 8.12 | Solution of the Schrodinger equation in a square well |
Chapter 9: Partial differential equations
EPS | PNG | 9.1 | A simple electrostatics problem |
EPS | PNG | 9.2 | Finite differences |
EPS | PNG | 9.3 | Solution of the Laplace equation |
EPS | PNG | 9.4 | A more complicated electrostatics problem |
EPS | PNG | 9.5 | Solution for the electrostatic potential of Fig. 9.4 |
EPS | PNG | 9.6 | Solution of the heat equation |
EPS | PNG | 9.7a | FTCS solution of the wave equation (a) |
EPS | PNG | 9.7b | FTCS solution of the wave equation (b) |
EPS | PNG | 9.7c | FTCS solution of the wave equation (c) |
Chapter 10: Random processes and Monte Carlo methods
EPS | PNG | 10.1 | Output of the linear congruential random number generator |
EPS | PNG | 10.2 | Decay of a sample of radioactive atoms |
EPS | PNG | 10.3 | Rutherford scattering |
EPS | PNG | 10.4 | A pathological function |
EPS | PNG | 10.5 | Internal energy of an ideal gas |
EPS | PNG | 10.6 | The traveling salesman problem |
EPS | PNG | 10.7a | Solution of a random traveling salesman problem |
EPS | PNG | 10.7b | Solution of another random traveling salesman problem |