Current courses: Fall 2021
- IOE 610/Math 660 — Linear Programming II. Registered students should access the Canvas website.
- IOE 800 — First-Year Doctoral Seminar
Recent courses: Winter 2021
- IOE 802 — Written and Oral Academic Presentations for IOE doctoral students
Courses taught
Please note:
- In recent years, all my course websites have moved to Canvas. If you are currently enrolled in a course, you should regularly check its Canvas site for all updates.
- If you are currently enrolled, or were recently enrolled, in a course, keep in mind that the resources on Canvas are for your own use only. Do not re-post or redistribute these materials without checking with me first.
Past courses
- IOE 202 — Operations Modeling (Last taught Fall'09)
IOE 310 — Introduction to Optimization (Last taught Winter'02)
IOE 510/Math 561/OMS 518 — Linear Programming I (Upcoming Winter'22)
IOE 511/Math 562 — Continuous Optimization Methods (Last taught Winter'19)
- If you are looking for my own lecture notes, they were not used in the recent offering of the course, but a version circa 2007 can be found here: Lecture notes, Fall'07
IOE 518 — Introduction to Integer Programming (Last taught Winter'12)
IOE 519 — Introduction to Nonlinear Programming (Last taught Winter'12)
IOE 610/Math 660 — Linear Programming II (Last taught Fall'21)
IOE 611/Math 663 — Nonlinear Programming (Last taught Fall'21)
- IOE 691 — Special Topics: Stochastic and Robust Optimization. Co-taught with Siqian Shen. Last offered Fall 2014.