Mongolian Algal References

Berdovskaya, G. N. 1994. Main stages of lake evolution in Holocene according to palynological data.  In Limnologiya i paleolimnologiya Mongolii, 1994, St Petersburg: Nauka. pp. 263-278.

Dorofeyuk, N. I. 1977. Characteristics of Diatomaceae from the Hovsgol Lake sediments . Plant and Animal Life in Mongolia (Rastitel'nyi i shivotnyi mir Mongolii), No. 7. pp 193-204. (in Russian)

Dorofeyuk, N. I. 1978. Diatoms in sediments of Buir Lake.  Mongolian Natural Resources and Conditions.  Vol. 10, pp 142-147  (in Russian)

Dorofeyuk, N. I. 1988. Holocene paleogeography of Mongolia from diatom analysis of lake bottom sediments.  Natural conditions, plant cover and animal life in Mongolia.  Pushino.  pp 61-81. (in Russian)

Dorofeyuk, N. I. 1988. Phytogeographical analysis of the diatom flora from the bottom sediments of Mongolian lakes  Natural conditions, plant cover and animal life in Mongolia.  Pushino.  pp 266-275. (in Russian)

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Dorofeyuk, N. I. and Tsetsegma, D. 1994. Phytoplankton from Mongolian lakes. In Limnologiya i paleolimnologiya Mongolii, 1994, St Petersburg: Nauka.pp. 115-122. (in Russian)

Dorofeyuk, N.I. and Tarasov, P. E. 1998. Vegetation and lake levels in northern Mongolia in the last 12500 years as indicated by data of pollen and diatom analysis.  Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. 6(1):70-83. (translated to English from Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya Korrelyatsiya 6(1):73-87)

Dorogostaïsky, V. 1904. Matériaux pour servir á l'algologie du lac Baïkal et de son bassin.  Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 18:229-265, 1 pl. (34 spp from Hovsgol)

Dulmaa, A. 1967. Hydrobiological problems of Darhad Basin lakes. Ulaanbaatar. (in Mongolian) (cited in Ulziikhutag, N. and Tsetsegma, D. 1980)

Dulmaa, A. 1976. Biology of Lake Hovsgol.  Ulan Bator (in Mongolian)-cited in Dulmaa 1979

Dulmaa, A. 1979. Hydrobiological outline of the Mongolian lakes.  Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 64:709-736.

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Dulmaa, A., Nansalmaa, B. and Tsogt, O. 1966. Some results of survey of lakes in Khentii and Dornod provinces.  Biol. Inst. Res. Info. No. 1, pp 17-25. (in Mongolian)

Dulmaa, A., Nansalmaa, B. and Tsogt, O. 1967. Eastern Mongolian large lakes plants and animals.  Biol. Inst. Res. Info. No. 2., pp 93-112. (in Mongolian)

Dulmaa, A., Nansalmaa, B. and Tsogt, O. 1968. Seasonal dynamics of plankton in Ogiinuur Lake, Biol. Inst. Res. Info. No. 3, pp 58-83. (in Mongolian) (species list of plankton algae given including distribution during seasons of year) (also seen cited as 1966. Seasonal dynamics of Ogiinuur planktons.  Ulaanbaatar, pp 17-27 in an undated English msc by Ganbold, E. and Tsetsegma, D.)

Dulmaa, A., Ulziilkhutag, N. and Tuya, Ts. 1979. Some results of the survey on plankton algae in Mongolia.  Booklet of Research Centre of Botanics.  Issue No. 5, pp 146-158. (in Mongolian) (also cited in Ulziikhutag, N. and Tsetsegma, D. 1980, but w/o page nos.) (excellent list of algae and lakes indicated, 34 lakes surveyed)

Ganbold, E. and Tsetsegma, D. 1998. Status of information on wetland plants and priorities for conservation.  In: Biological Diversity in Mongolia, First Report.  Ministry for Nature and Environment of Mongolia.  United Nations Development Program, Regional Bureau Asia and Pacific, Ulaanbaatar.  7 pp.

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Kociolek, J. P. and Stoermer, E. F. 1988. Taxonomy and systematic position of the Gomphoneis quadripunctata species complex.  Diatom Research 3:95-108.

Kozhova, O. M. and Zagorenko, G. F. 1976. Winter phytoplankton of Lake Hovsgol. pp. 158-166 in Sodnom, N. and Losev, N. F. (Eds.) Natural Conditions and Resources of Hovsgol Region, Mongolian and Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk-Ulaanbaatar. (in Russian)

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Kozhova, O. M., Izmest'eva, L. R. and Erbaeva, E. A. 1994. A review of the hydrobiology of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia).  Hydrobiologia 291:11-19.

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Ministry for Nature and the Environment.  1997. Mongolia Red Book, 2nd Ed.  Ulaanbaatar, 388 pp. (in Mongolian)
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Novichkova-Ivanova, L. N. 1977. Terrestrial algae of deserts in the Dgungar (Dzungarin) and Zaaltai (Transaltai) Gobi.  Bot. Zh. 62(12):1709-1719. (in Russian)

Østrup, E. 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Diatomeenflora des Kossogolbeckens in der nordwestlichen Mongolei. Hedwigia 48:74-100, 2 Tfl. (179 spp)

Ostenfeld, C. H. 1907. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Algenflora des Kossogol-Beckens in der nordwestlichen Mongolei mit spezeiller Berucksichtgung des Phytoplanktons.  Hedwigia 46:???-???.

Prozorov, V. A. 1982. Some benthic blue-green algae flora of Lake Hovsgol.  pp. 105-117 in Kozhova, O. M. (Ed.) Natural Conditions and Resources of Hovsgol Region, Irkutsk University, Irkutsk, 150 pp. (in Russian)

Purev, L. 1970. Some results of study of algae around Ulaanbaatar.  Biol. Inst. Res. Information, No. 5, pp 108-114. (in Mongolian) (no diatoms, only Gonium, Trachelemonas and blue green algae.)

Purev, L. 1972. Dunialla viridis found in Sangiin Dalai Lake.  Mongolian Teachers University Booklet, No. 2. (in Mongolian) (cited in Ulziikhutag, N. and Tsetsegma, D. 1980, no pp given)

Raymo, M. E. and Ruddiman, W. F. 1992. Tectonic forcing of late Cenozoic climate.  Nature 359:117-122.

Sevastyanov, D. V. and Doropheuk, N. I. 1992. History of Mongolia's water systems.  Izvestia PGO No. 2, pp 123-137. (in Russian)

Sevastyanov, D. V., Dorofeyuk, N. I. and Lyiva, A. A. 1994. General features of evolution of lake ecosystems in Holocene.  In Limnologiya i paleolimnologiya Mongolii, 1994, St Petersburg: Nauka. pp. 248-262. (in Russian)

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Sodnom, N. and Losev, N. F. 1976. Natural Conditions and Resources around Hovsgol, Mongolia.  Nedra, Moscow. (in Russian) (see chapter 11, Hydrobiology) (Mongolian Gold Book)

Soninkhishig, N. 1998. Diatoms of the Tuul River. Master's thesis, Mongolian State University, Botany Department, 29 pp. (in Mongolian)

Tarasov, P. E., et al. 1994. Lake Status Records form the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia, Database Documentation.  World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology, Paleoclimatology Publication Series Report #2, 274 pp.

Tarasov, P. E., et al. 1996. Lake Status Records form the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia, Database Documentation Version 2.  IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology, Data Contribution Series #96-032, Paleoclimatology Publication Series Report #5, 224 pp.

Tarasova, E. N., Stalmakova, B. N. and Chpeizer, G. M. 1999. Biogenic limitation of phytoplankton growth in Lake Hovsgol.  pp 121-122. In: Environmental conditions, history, and culture of Western Mongolia and neighboring regions.  Abstract book of IVth International Research Conference, 20-24 April 1999, Tomsk, Russia.  Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, 298 pp.

Tsetsegma, D. and Ulziikhutag, N. 1985. Some new information from the algae survey in the People's Republic of Mongolia.  Booklet of Research Centre of Botanics, Issue No. 11, pp 51-57. (in Mongolian)

Tsogt, O. 1970. Plankton plants of Mongolia.  Proc. Mong. Acad. Sci. No. 1970 (2), pp 40-53. (in Mongolian)

Ulziikhutag, N. and Tsetsegma, D. 1980. Summary on algae in Mongolia. Booklet of Research Center of Botanics, Issue No. 6, pp 145-161. (in Mongolian)

Vipper, P. B., Doropheuk, N. E., Meteltseva, E. P., Socolovsckaj, V. T. and Shulij, K. S. 1976. Experiences of reconstructing plant cover in west and central Mongolia during the Holocene on the basis of the study of bottom sediments of freshwater lakes.  pp 35-59. In Biological Resources and Natural Conditions of Mongolia, Vol. 8, Structure and dynamics of natural ecosystems of Mongolia.  Nauka, Leningrad, 200 pp total. (in Russian)

Williams, R. M., Edlund, M. B. and Stoermer, E. F. (in press). Taxonomy and morphology of Cymbella stuxbergii  from lakes in the Baikal Rift Zone.  Diatom Research

Zagarenko, G. F. 1972. New data about several algae of Lake Hovsgol.  pp 129-132 in Losev, N. F. and Tsevgmid, D. (Eds.) Natural Conditions and Resources of Hovsgol Region. Volume 1. Mongolian and Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk-Ulaanbaatar, 153 pp. (in Russian)

Zagarenko, G. F. and Kozhova, O. M. 1973. Structure and ecological data of summer phytoplankton of Lake Hovsgol in 1971. pp 329-340 in Batmunh, J. and Losev, N. F. (Eds.)  Natural Conditions and Resources of Hovsgol Region. Volume 2. Trudy of Soviet-Mongolian Complex, Khubusugul Expedition, Irkutsk-Ulan Bator, 509 pp. (in Russian)

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