My sincere apologies to all who have been rechecking this site.
Grave family matters have occupied most of my spare time for over two years now.
I've started to correct the links, many of which have been broken for some time,
and hope to be able to make a slow progress toward getting more here
No new rounds have been uploaded recently (maybe next month....). However,
many more classical music midi files are now available. Links to most of
these are on the "Mystery Tune" page (see navigation bar at the left).
Highlights include the Overture and Rondeau to Purcell's Abdelazar and
the complete Capriol Suite. Also accessible from that page are MP3 files (from public domain sources!) of Prokofiev playing
the piano and a mystery pianist playing La Campanella and Feux-Follets.
Sometime soon, I hope to have a index to all the midi files on this site. Still
later, I'd also like to get more material about the Capriol Suite (including
portions of "Arbeau"'s dance treatise and a brief guide to the dance steps
used in it uploaded--but that will take a bit longer!
Other material yet to be uploaded includes many more rounds,
material on the fugue and other contrapuntal forms, etc., etc.