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One of the more popular contests run by Detroit's classical radio station
WQRS, which ended 37 years of broadcasting in November 1997, was the "cheap
pencil" contest: Pencils were sent as prizes to callers correctly identifying
a composer, singer, or whatever. Quite often, these pencils arrived broken.
To ensure safe delivery, then, some of us working to get classical music
back on the air in southeastern Michigan have come up with a safer (and even
cheaper) cheap pencil contest. An animated .gif of a pencil to the first
person solving these puzzles.
The contest below has been over for some time. It was a Halloween contest with
13 pieces of music. I've left the contest in place in case you want to try
your hand at it. If you want to test yourself, don't look below the stage lights
image. On the other hand, if you want to see what other midis might
be available here, do check below the image!
The October contest features a frightening collection of works. The winner
will be the respondent who identifies the greatest number from the set of 13
selections below.
WARNING:The dynamic range on these files is great. Mystery snipplet
9, in particular, begins with a very loud chord. If you can hear the softer notes,
don't adjust your volume.
Many, many thanks to George Pollen of Hampshire, England, U.K. for the midi
file used for mystery tune #3 and to Everett
Kaser for mystery tune #2.
Just click on the sound icon to hear each of the thirteen selections:
Mystery Tune #1, a 3:08 excerpt from an orchestral work
Mystery Tune #2, a 1:57 piece for piano
Mystery Tune #3, a 6:35 orchestral work
Mystery Tune #4, a 3:57 vocal work
Mystery Tune #5, a :16 (eight measures) excerpt from an orchestral work
Mystery Tune #6, a 4:09 orchestral work
Mystery Tune #7, a 2:39 aria
Mystery Tune #8, a 2:10 excerpt from a piano work
Mystery Tune #9, a :46 excerpt from an orchestral work
Mystery Tune #10, a 3:29 aria
Mystery Tune #11, a 1:00 orchestral excerpt
Mystery Tune #12, a 2:44 piano work
Mystery Tune #13, a 10:59 orchestral excerpt (complete movt.)

The winner of the Halloween contest, with 9 tunes identified, was (to no one's
surprise) Pat Wright The answers, in order, were:
- Moussorgky: Night on the Bare (Bald) Mountain
- Burgmüller, Ballade
- Saint-Saëns, Danse Macabre
- Schubert, Der Erlkönig
- Dukas, Sorcerers Apprentice
- Gounod, Funeral March of a Marionette
- Bizet, "En vain pour eviter les reponses ameres (the Tarot foretells death), from Carmen
- Liszt, Mephisto Waltz No.1
- Stravinsky, Hellish Dance of Katschei's minions from The Firebird
- Verdi, "Re dell' abisso affretati" (the witch Ulrica invokes the demon) from
Un Ballo in Maschera
- Grieg, In the Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt
- Prokofiev, Suggestion diabolique
- Berlioz, 5th movement, Symphonie Fantastique
The September contest had three mystery works. The pianist who played Liszt's
La Campanella* and
Feux Follets* was the great
pianist Ferrucio Busoni (1866-1924), as identified by
E. Girsch
Prokofiev was improvising an arrangement of Rimsky-Korsakov's
Scheherazade*, solved by
R. Lewis
The midi file was of the first and last movements (the Prelude and the Fugue) of
Arthur Foote's Suite for Strings in E,
solved by
P.E.W.*Taken from a recording in the public domain.
August's mystery tune was "Bist du bei mir",
from the Anna Magdalena [Bach] Notebook, solved by
E. Girsch.
July's mystery tune was part of John Williams' score for Jurassic Park,
solved by A. Davis
June's mystery tune was another stumper. It was Liszt's Evocation à la Chapelle Sixtine for orchestra, first performed in Budapest in
1993 (versions for organ, piano, and duo piano are better known). The work
incorporates a portion of the Allegri Miserere and Mozart's Ave Verum
May's mystery tune was the
Capriol Suite by Peter Warlock (Philip Heseltine), based on "Thoinot Arbeau's"
16th-century dance treatise, the Orchesographie,
solved by E. Girsch.
April's mystery tune was the
Pavane from Richard Strauss's Tanzsuite, based on the
harpsichord works of F. Couperin, solved by M. Hurttgam.
March's mystery tune was the longest fugue ever written: the last movement
of Beethoven's Sonata Op.106
solved by J. Calarco
February's mystery tune was Mendelssohn's Overture Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage,
as quoted in Elgar's "Enigma Variations",
solved by Pat & Ellen W.
January's mystery tune was the first part of the second movement of Rimsky-Korsakov's
"Sinfonietta on Russian Themes". It's an obscure
work, but the folk tune used in this section is very familiar as the music for the
oboe solo in the "Rondeau of the Princesses" in Stravinsky's Firebird. No
one solved this one!
December's mystery tune was the
"Overture and Rondeau" to Purcell's Abdelazar"
(the rondeau is more familiar as the theme used in Britten's Young Person's Guide
to the Orchestra),
solved by Pat & Ellen W.
November's mystery tune was variation 5 of Beethoven's
"Variations on 'God Save the King'", solved by
Elizabeth G.